Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Let's Chat


Kyle and I made banana bread this weekend and it turned out so delicious! We used a recipe from Natasha's Kitchen which you can find {here}. We doubled the recipe, and used a 9x13 rather than two loaf pans.

We did not use raisins or nuts. I love nuts in banana bread but Kyle does not. I suggested adding some mini chocolate chips, and he agreed to put them in half of our pan.  He wasn't sure he'd like the chocolate chips in the bread but he did like it so next time maybe the whole thing will have chips! If only I could convince him on the nuts. One day!

I shared this photo on Monday messy hair and all! I'm growing it out a bit and it's getting long on top. Soon I'll need to go to my stylist and get a shaping done.

I'm back as of today, on the Trim Healthy Mama eating plan. It's the only plan that ever helped me lose weight and to feel great. You can find the website{here}. I don't use all their products, you can do the eating plan without any special products. 

I'm looking forward to getting rid of inflammation in my body. Sugar is bad for my body, and I need to work with what is good for it. Why wouldn't I? Why have I just kept doing the things that harm me? No more, with God's help.

One of my most popular searches on my blog is my Planning My Autumn Wardrobe post, which you can find {here}. 

I pretty much am wearing the same kinds of things, but the earrings in the post are no longer being worn! Also, I'd love to replace this dress but it's no longer being made. Maybe I can find something similar. I've worn it out!

Our fall foliage is coming on and this year the reds are gorgeous! These two photos are from our area and I took them yesterday on a quiet back road.

These photos below were taken by Tim this morning from our deck.

There are still roses in bloom and bud and my Burning Bushes in the background are a deep burgundy red this year.

I found a new podcast that is such a delight! Idlewild Cottage! The hostess speaks about so many kindred spirit things, like Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, tea, picnics, music. All with a theme for the show. I listened to three yesterday while running errands and I really enjoyed it!

It's like chatting with a friend over tea! You can find it {here} or wherever you listen to podcasts! It is a respite from the crazy we are experiencing in our country these days!

This week has been birthday week for our grand girls Isla and Klaire! They both turned 6! And today is my great nephew Camden's 11th birthday, and tomorrow is my brother in law's birthday! That's in addition to already celebrating my birthday and my daughter in law Kayleigh's birthday!


Vee said...

The baking looks great. I'm glad that Kyle worked on it with you. Oh it's so true about a comfortable dress. Once you find one that works on all levels, it is sad when it is no more. I had one that I blue jersey with a cream small flowered print. Doesn't it sound fabulous? ☺️ I was sad when it had to go. All the best with your new resolve. The Lord will do the work as you lean on Him. And you will be feeling better asap.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

You - are- quitting- sugar??????????????

I am fully, totally addicted to sweet!

I know it would deal a blow to inflamation but... -sigh-

Are you doing running information on doing this?

Best of luck.

💛 🌟 💛 🌟 💛

Theresa said...

I love banana bread, not a fan of the chocolate chips in it. Autumn made chocolate banana bread yesterday. It always smells so good cooking. LOVE the earrings. Our leaves are changing and falling. I have been outside blowing them today and scooping them from the pool One of the bad things about living in the woods, SO many falling leaves. Enjoy your evening dear friend, HUGS!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...