Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 14, 2022

Information Friday


Autumn is in full swing here. We are not at peak yet, but tomorrow we are headed to the Laurel Highlands for a one day fall foliage trip with my parents. They are at peak and we are excited for our day trip!

Some weeks my Information Friday posts are so large they are overwhelming, so I am going to try to focus on one or two subjects a week, when possible. The fight for our nation is going on right now - will we allow an authoritarian rule by those who feel they know better than we do, and who want to have a global cabal to lead the world? Or do we want for our nation to follow our constitution and live as free people in a democratic republic? That's what our founders fought for and I for one want that kind of government, as Abraham Lincoln famously said "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth" (U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863)

This is why I am trying to help wake people up, and why I am praying that we'll all have eyes to see the TRUTH!

This week Bid*n has been struggling. He said in an interview with Jake Tapper of CNN that "I don’t think there will be a recession. If it is, it will be a very slight recession. That is we’ll move down slightly," and "It is possible. Look, it’s possible. I don’t anticipate it."

By standards that used to be used to economists to determine these things - 2 negative quarters of growth - then we already are in a recession. 

From CNN "Stocks dipped on Monday after JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon warned that the US is likely to enter a recession within the next six to nine months. And last month, 72% of economists polled by the National Association for Business Economics said they expected the next US recession will begin by the middle of next year – if it hasn’t already started."

You can read more of the article {here}.

The Saudi's put out their own statement about Bid*n's phone call - 

"A bombshell statement from Saudi Arabia states the Biden administration reached out and pleaded with them to delay the OPEC deal to cut oil production until after the midterms.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud said Thursday morning that US officials 'suggested' postponing the decision to reduce output by two million barrels a day by a month until after November 8, when millions of Americans will cast their ballots."

Read more {here}.

He's having more and more of these gaffs.

This one is the most troubling to me. I know he still has pain from the loss of his son to a brain tumor in 2015, but in Colorado he said Beau lost his life in Iraq.

This is the bad. Very bad. Read the article {here}.
He did this by executive order, which can be overturned. What this does is show us even more just how much he wants to shut down any kind of dissent against his policies. This is fascist dictator territory, friends!

Here are a few interesting tidbits about Presidential Records.

Bill Clinton also lost the nuclear codes while in office. Read about that {here}.

There is also a story about Jimmy Carter leaving his 'nuclear biscuit' 
in a suit sent to the dry cleaners. No one has officially confirmed or denied this story. Hmmm.

The left is trying to do anything to get DJT. They are going for anything they think will keep him from running again. They know they've lost the narrative, they know that the people are awake and the tide is turning all over the world. 

Have a good weekend!


Vee said...

Yes, they will do whatever they can and filthy rinos will join in. Frustrating. And if we are not in a recession, closer to a depression, I will eat my hat. Wonder how many of us would say that because we see it every single day all around us.

I'm going to Laurel's highlands tomorrow, too. Hey, her name is Laurel and she lives in the highlands. Have a marvelous day!

Catsngrams said...

All of this is so true. I go shopping just for food an d many times I have to not buy something I want due to prices being too high.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Once again, thank you for posting truth.

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