Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 31, 2023

Information Friday


I'm posting early because we'll be on the road tomorrow.

Most of this post was going to be about the shooting in Nashville, and the media response to it verses other shootings. However, late afternoon today word came down that the NYC grand jury decided to indict Trump.

What a dark day for our failing nation. There was no crime, and normally what they are saying he did is a misdemeanor. Bragg is filing it as a felony after changing 50% of real criminal felonies in NYC to misdemeanors. 

After all these years, they've searched and searched, got his taxes, tried to impeach him twice, already had a trial on this Stormie Daniels stuff (he was found innocent btw and she had to pay him!), and this is the best they've got to try to keep him out of the White House?

The scariest thing to me is that so many people believe it. They still cannot see that this country has weaponized its government against not only DJT but its' citizens as well.

Zelensky is no hero. Why is he closing churches?

As hard as it is to see and to recognize what is really been going on in our nation, we must see it and speak out against it. These are the people who control the nations, through the banks. The woman in the photo above is Marina Abramovic. Look up Spirit Cooking. 

We all once thought that our presidents were different from each other. Now we know they are really the same.

Well, except for Trump. Which is why they hate him so much. Hillary was to be next, not DJT.

Pray for our nation. I believe we are going to see some things revealed in the days to come that will shock us. But we must know. We must break free from the evil that has got its hands on our nation.

Do not fear. Be peaceful. Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Walk with God.

Remember what hate did - 



Terra said...

Your post is full of so many nuggets of truth, I applaud you. The jury pool for the grand jury and for a trial is so anti-Trump a fair trial in NY is not possible. Any trial must occur in a neutral venue (that won't happen). I am praying for our country to return to following Christian principles and it can happen, it is our choice.

Donna said...

I am just Sick....unbelievably incredible!!!

Vee said...

What a day...what an awful day. I never thought we could sink so low. May all the truth come out. May all politicians do what is right. May rinos grow a spine and may evil be crushed. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” ~ I Corinthians 15:58

Happy trails...

Anonymous said...

Why do you think things will be revealed soon? I know so many that know nothing of what's going on, absolutely nothing.

Debby said...

I stand with you and others who believe our country is in trouble and there may be no going back. Yes PRAY and keep calling our political leaders whether they are republicans or democrats. Let them know how we won't stand for this. Not enough people, actually write or call anymore. It's terrible.

Tim said...

Excellent content. Thank you!!!


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