Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Anniversary Gift!

Usually for my birthday or Christmas or our anniversary, Tim will stop by our friend Denny's store and buy me a handbag or earrings or a bracelet.

For our anniversary this year he out did himself...He bought the whole store!

Yes, really, he bought the store!

We are now the excited owners of Fab Fashion!  Denny approached us this summer about it and were we surprised!  We prayed about it and the timing seemed right, so we said "yes!"  We are grateful to him for helping us learn the business...we've been to NYC several times since Thanksgiving week, and only once was it for sight seeing! 

We are excited about this wonderful opportunity.  We feel like the Lord answered our prayer that we have been praying for years about having a business of our own.  We are so blessed to be the owners of a well established business.  Basically we will walk through the door as owners but it is the same store that Denny started.  Over time somethings may change, after all, styles come and go, but the basic business principles will remain.  Great products and great service. Oh, and for those of you not in the area we will be launching our web store this week!  You can preview it now by going to

Denny says the girls and I will have an advantage that he didn't have - we can actually wear the jewelry, scarves, sunglasses and carry the handbags!  

So, that is our excitement for the new year.   We would appreciate your prayers...



sherry said...


Becky K. said...

I could just smack you for keeping this secret!!! How very, very exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!


Love you...and can't wait to see you this morning!!


Tracy said...


Mary Lou Casada said...

Best gift ever!! There is great work in owning your own business, but also great freedom and rewards!! Praying God richly blesses!!! And think what a blessing you will be....I've discovred through Mary Kay that helping women of God look and feel good is a tremendous opportunity for ministry and impacting people. You all will be GREAT!!
Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

Dad just raised the bar for all your blogger friends husbands :)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Wow, that is amazing! Congratulations.

My first thought was quite selfish, I hoped it doesn't mean you can't blog as often. :)

Vee said...

Very exciting news! Hearty congrats!!

Who gets to work in the store? Everyone?

Anonymous said...


tdweyand said...

Wow Deanna!!! That is fabulous. I just saw your blog for the first time. Looking at what your have said and done in the last few weeks is great!! It gave me chills just knowing what a wonderful faith in God you and your family have! Thanks for sharing. I would love to check out your "new" store!! Love ya, Toni

Simple Home said...

I'm with jAne on this...Wow!! Congratulations on this new endeavor for your family :)

Tracy said...

WOW! Congrats to you.

Diane said...

Wow Deanna! That is incredible! Can't wait to check out the web store :D

My Cottage Charm said...

Well how fun is that?!!! I'm so excited for you! :-) It's great it's already an established just get to step in and make it your own! :)
Oh..thanks for your sweet comment on my childhood memories post...I guess my momma did teach me a lot about decorating..probably everything I know! :) (well HGTV and books have helped some too! lol)
Hugs and congratulations!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

That is SUPER EXCITING!!!! What a blessing! Congratulations and praise God for answered prayers!!

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