Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 2, 2012


When we thought and prayed about a family business, we pictured it being something Tim worked at and we supported or that the girls and I would have an Etsy store and make and sew things for it.  That is what we knew.

We never imagined a store that would be 'owned' by me and that the girls and I would work.  God has interesting ways.

Let me tell you more of how this came to be.  We've known Denny for almost 4 years and over that time, as is our custom to open our home, he would come over on Sundays and fellowship with everyone.  Over time we all clicked, my kids enjoyed him and started to call him Uncle Denny.  He started to come by during the week and hang out, watch a movie, eat dinner, etc.  We became family to him and he to us.  We have one other couple with that kind of relationship, our dear friends Rick and Jane.  They are aunt and uncle to our kids too.  

Three years ago the girls worked in the store for Denny when he traveled to Israel.  Then another time when he went to Florida for a long weekend.  They loved it and he thought they did a great job!

When he had the opportunity to do work as a partner in a business with the friend who lead him to the Lord, he approached us about buying the business.  We were shocked!  We prayed about it.  Was this the Lord's answer to our prayers?

We felt yes.  We see the Lord in it.  Denny has held our hand and walked us through the process.  We will be stepping into an already established business with a client base.  The only change is in ownership.  

We are excited about working together - the girls and I have been learning to be buyers, to trust our instincts, to navigate NYC even!  Tim is still going to be working at his regular job, and yet be involved in the whole thing - giving oversight, helping with shipping for the online store, taking buying trips with us.  It is truly a family business.

My main work will still be in the home.  I am still the home educating Momma to three children.  They are excited about the store as well.  They are learning a lot and can help with packing orders and shipping.  Rachel at 12 will get to come and help in the store sometimes, too!  

The girls are hoping to keep their other jobs at the Christian theatre here, but with reduced hours, of course.  They are on a two and a half month break while the new show is prepped so this is a good time to see what is doable with their schedules.  Lindsay still intends to teach her riding students this Spring through the Fall....We still intend to expand our garden and get more chickens...

We will be busy - but with all working together we can do it.  Of course we will need to be a bit more organized, but many hands make light work!

I want to share a bit of the vision that we have for our business, well, at least for some of the profits.  First we feel like the Lord has given us the opportunity and we want to honor him with the way we use it.  We want to be involved with helping people adopt children.  We also want to pay off our mortgage, we still have grave concerns about our economy and are so happy that we have little debt, but we want to rid ourselves of all debt.  We want to help others.

When God is in something there is no limit to the incredible opportunities.  We are looking forward to walking alongside Him while he works through us and in us in this new path.

I do intend to continue to blog quite regularly.  I am so thankful for the women who walk beside me here in blog land.  I am so blessed by our friendships! 

To God be the Glory!


Vee said...

You even sound excited! Well I can only imagine all the logistical things that you will deal with. How wonderful to have a plan and to be stepping into an established business. For such a time as this comes to mind. Many blessings!

janice15 said...

Sounds like a blessing to me indeed, sounds so exciting for everyone. I wish you much success and it sounds good for everyone in the family..God

Karen said...

Wow, I haven't been online since last week and was shocked to read your most recent posts!

How exciting for your family! Congratulations! I wish you well in your new venture. What a blessing that you have Denny to ask questions of as you make this transition, too.

Tracy said...

God is so amazing. Praying things go smoothly in your new adventure as a business owner.

Becky K. said...

O.k. so here I am sitting in McDonald's waiting for Chelsea to have her hair cut and colored and reading this. Tears are welling up and I'm blinking them back.

I am soooo happy for you. Delighted that this has worked out so well. I know that you will do well and put the earnings to very good use.

Love you bunches.

Cheryl said...

Wow! You Rabes have started off the New Year with a bang! :D

Simple Home said...

What an exciting time for you and your family. I look forward to hearing more about it. Take photos of the store when you get a chance :)

Melissa G said...

God is blessing you and you in turn will bless others. So glad this is all working out for you!

amy said...

Congratulations, so happy for you!!!!!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...