Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kamryn and Grandma

  I had a visitor this evening while I was at my desk!  Kamryn came in to see what I was doing.

 Here she is checking out what's on my computer screen...

 Photos of her cousin Logan!  She and I both think he is cute!

Kamryn doesn't always want to take the time to sit with me, and I was so glad she did.  Last night she brought me her blankey and a book and climbed up on my lap!  I love that!

Did you see the manila envelope on my desk?  Our seed order came already!  I'll show you some of what we ordered soon!


Joy said...

What a lovely pair! She's adorable!

Cheryl said...

Oh, what sweet pictures!
It is such a thrill when a busy toddler grandchild takes a moment to sit with Grandma, isn't it?

Of my grandchildren, some have been cozy with me from the beginning...and some have been a bit slower to connect (one in particular). It is such a mystery, this blend of personalities. I am soooooo enjoying my youngest (local) granddaughter who has been my little love bunny from the beginning!

(Have I told you I Kamryn's name? I do.)

Cheryl said...

Ack. Meant to say *love* Kamryn's name. (Good sign that it's time for me to go to bed!)

no spring chicken said...

You're lucky I can't reach into this screen! It would be a grandbaby abduction!!

Blessings, Debbie

Becky K. said...

So sweet. Kamryn has stolen our hearts...she is a doll. Lucky you getting to spend time with her, and she with you!

Rebecca said...

Precious moments the two of your shared there! Makes me REALLY miss our grandchildren who live a distance from us....

Niki said...

Being a gramma is simply the best!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Aww what a sweet moment. She is a cutie!

I'm going to have to go through my stack of seed catalogs and place my order soon!

Vee said...

Aha! I got sidetracked earlier, but it's allowing me in now. I'm keying fast as I can go to say that this post is very sweet. I love these kinds of moments and I can see that you do, too. What a cutie pie!

Brenda said...

Grandkids are just wonderful! Those are percious pictures.

You are right, I do believe John would be proud of me to do what needs to be done. Tough though.
Hey I looked at the website in an older post for your store but it is still under construction. I would love to take a look when it is done. Let me know, OK.

Heart Breaking

  This post is not meant to be political. It is just to join in the grief of the loss of Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas.   You can see the ter...