Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kamryn and Grandma

  I had a visitor this evening while I was at my desk!  Kamryn came in to see what I was doing.

 Here she is checking out what's on my computer screen...

 Photos of her cousin Logan!  She and I both think he is cute!

Kamryn doesn't always want to take the time to sit with me, and I was so glad she did.  Last night she brought me her blankey and a book and climbed up on my lap!  I love that!

Did you see the manila envelope on my desk?  Our seed order came already!  I'll show you some of what we ordered soon!


Joy said...

What a lovely pair! She's adorable!

Cheryl said...

Oh, what sweet pictures!
It is such a thrill when a busy toddler grandchild takes a moment to sit with Grandma, isn't it?

Of my grandchildren, some have been cozy with me from the beginning...and some have been a bit slower to connect (one in particular). It is such a mystery, this blend of personalities. I am soooooo enjoying my youngest (local) granddaughter who has been my little love bunny from the beginning!

(Have I told you I Kamryn's name? I do.)

Cheryl said...

Ack. Meant to say *love* Kamryn's name. (Good sign that it's time for me to go to bed!)

no spring chicken said...

You're lucky I can't reach into this screen! It would be a grandbaby abduction!!

Blessings, Debbie

Becky K. said...

So sweet. Kamryn has stolen our hearts...she is a doll. Lucky you getting to spend time with her, and she with you!

Rebecca said...

Precious moments the two of your shared there! Makes me REALLY miss our grandchildren who live a distance from us....

Niki said...

Being a gramma is simply the best!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Aww what a sweet moment. She is a cutie!

I'm going to have to go through my stack of seed catalogs and place my order soon!

Vee said...

Aha! I got sidetracked earlier, but it's allowing me in now. I'm keying fast as I can go to say that this post is very sweet. I love these kinds of moments and I can see that you do, too. What a cutie pie!

Brenda said...

Grandkids are just wonderful! Those are percious pictures.

You are right, I do believe John would be proud of me to do what needs to be done. Tough though.
Hey I looked at the website in an older post for your store but it is still under construction. I would love to take a look when it is done. Let me know, OK.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...