Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


 Lindsay took Rachel and Sarah on a trail ride yesterday.  Liberty is waiting patiently to go.

 Rachel loves to ride and is very confident.

 She loves her pony...notice she rode bareback.

 Sandy is the grand dame of our horses.  She is getting older, but she is still large and in charge, if you know what I mean.  She and Lindsay are best friends.

 This photo makes me so happy - Sarah has always been more timid around the horses and has been nipped and one of the horses started to roll when she was riding several years ago, so she was afraid to ride.  Her sisters and her dearest friends all ride so she decided she must conquer this fear.  

 Cheyenne, sweet, laid back mare that she is, has helped Sarah learn to love riding and gain confidence.  Look at Sarah go!

 Lindsay always makes them do ground work with the horses before they ride.  It helps the horses to engage their brains, and be ready to have you ride them.

Here they are heading down the road...
 Shifting gears I thought I would show you some random things going on yesterday.

 Kamryn eating her lunch - leftover pizza from her aunties Bonfire the evening before.  The girls invited lots of friends from church and work to come have a bonfire.  They had a great time.  These are wonderful lovely young adults and Tim and I enjoy having them here!

 My little man...

 Maxx came up to check out my camera - curious kitty...

We took all the Christmas greens and village down yesterday.  I decided to do all white for the rest of January...

What's been happening at your home?


Vee said...

We're grumpy. =)

Liberty has the most beautiful dandelion puff on her forehead.

So now all the gals are riding! What fun they'll all have. How about Kyle?

Love the white for January. It looks fresh and clean and Januaryish unlike that green lawn of yours!

no spring chicken said...

To quote Elizabeth in National Velvet... Mmmm horses! But, of course now your site is off limit to my 16 year old again. I warned you, you keep posting those wonderful horse experiences and Erin can't visit here anymore! :)

It's good to be back.

Blessings, Debbie

Anonymous said...

All the pictures are *wonderful* (I LOVE horses too!), but the picture of the kitty checking out the camera was GREAT! So cute. :o)

Terra said...

I like all this horsey stuff, and how the girls enjoy riding, and a bit about the personalities of your horses, like the "boss lady" horse.

Cheryl said...

And even a pretty new header is "happening" at your house! Love the white look...lovely!

Sweet faces!

Cheryl said...

I thought I commented earlier, Deanna...but I must have clicked something wrong (wouldn't be the first time!) or cyberspace ate my comment!
Anyway, I wanted to let you know how much I like your new header...all the calming winter white is so pretty!
Pretty too are the sweet faces adorning your post, including Maxx's. :-D

Simple Home said...

I love your new header! So pretty. White seems like a good color for January, doesn't it? I enjoyed the photos of the girls riding and of your sweet grandbaby too.

My Cottage Charm said...

I LOVE my're right, what a great gift! :)
Your pics are so precious...horses are beautiful, but those kids are just adorable! :)
Have a great day!

deborah said...

I love the all white shelf!

The horses are so pretty and your pictures are beautiful!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...