Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Life is filled with challenges.  Sometimes they are harsh challenges and sometimes they are just a bunch of little things....

Right now dear friends in California are asking for prayer as their dear mother/grandma, who is elderly and suffering from dementia may be near the end of her journey here on earth.  

We are busy with the store and learning so much.  I ask that you would pray for us to continue to work well together and to enjoy the process.

We are so blessed with a wonderful church fellowship.  Today was communion and a meal together.  A long afternoon of fellowship was followed by coming home to a house full of young people!  Nate's good friend whom we used to call Dreadlock John is in town.  He is a Marine now and is in training to be a crew chief on a C130.  I looked at him tonight - he is a man now, who serves his nation at a challenging time.  Pray for him - he grew up in a Christian home but I am not sure where he is at with the Lord right now.

Tim's work rotation changes this week and they are now on required A-B weekends.  This means that he works every other weekend, instead of every third weekend. 12 days of work to get 2 days off.  Sigh.  We are not very happy about this.  Pray for wisdom for us in this if you will.  

Pray for me as I have some challenging relationships with my extended family.  Right now I am hurting.  I keep giving it to the Lord, but sometimes I take it back.  Pray that I will be able to truly let it go into His hands.  He loves me - I can rest in that.

On the other hand...

Things are very good right now.  The store is doing well for January. Things usually pick up in late March/April depending on the weather.  Our children are growing in every way....taller, gaining wisdom, expanding their circles of influence.  We are all in good health.  

God is helping us to grow through our challenges.  One day we will be with Him and will no longer struggle, for we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is! 1 John 3:2.


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Been there with the whole extended family thing. Yuk!

Will be praying.

Becky K. said...

Challenges....Ever present, pushing us closer to Him. You are in my prayers and I appreciate your friendship. This afternoon was sweet.

Vee said...

It's so easy to yo-yo the challenges. We release them, give them a tug and they're right back again. I think that the releasing also involves a "forgetting" if you will. When that person comes to mind...pray and forget because trust in God is so complete. Tough though when the person is family. How well I know.

Have been praying for your friends who are in the process of releasing a beloved mother and grandmother. We are in the process of releasing a loved one as well. I pray for all those who are slipping away to be in sweet communion with the Heavenly Father and for their families to know comfort.

Jeanette Levellie said...

I will pray for you, honey. It's good to have each other, to hook our shields of faith together for the battle we all face.

A close friend in Colorado sent word that her 33 year old daughter died on Friday, leaving 2 small daughters without a Mommy. The daddy and babies need prayer for strength and courage.

So glad your store is going well, and you are all healthy.


no spring chicken said...

I just prayed for you (and your dear friends mother, and your son's friend) and will continue to do so throughout the day. Thanks for asking.

Hugs and Blessings, Debbie

Unknown said...

Praying for all of you....challenges whether they may seem big or small, are important nonetheless. Take care, and thank you for being such a blessing.

Cheryl said...

Continuing to pray for you, Deanna, as the Lord brings you to mind. May His strength be made perfect in you...

Home Keeping

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