Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Date At Home

I had an inspiration this afternoon - a few text messages later I had arranged for everyone to go to my parents for the evening.  Everyone except Tim and I.

He was sleeping in his cave (he is on third shift) and had no idea.  With a busy household, time to talk and remember why we love each other is scarce.  I had the genius idea to have a date, but one where we wouldn't have to get dressed up, go out, or spend any money.  I made Ziti and a great green salad for dinner and after the kids ate they left.  I read and in a short time I heard Tim come upstairs.  

"Where is everyone?" said he.

"I sent them away...they are all at my parents house."  I smiled.  

He smiled back.

It is so important to take the time to let our husbands know how important they are to us.  It was lovely.

When the kids were all much younger we used to do deck dates - we would sit outside on our deck in the evening with a cup of coffee and tea after the kids were in bed.  Those were lovely times too.


Unknown said...

Such a sweet husband and I have coffee dates, sometimes I get up early to pour the morning coffee and serve it bedside, enjoying a few quiet moments with my husband before our day begins. I'm sure it was a wonderful date :)

Ronda said...

Sounds like you both had a wonderful time together. I love the idea of "deck dates". Gonna have to do that one.

Hope all are well, healthy & happy!

Love & Prayers,

Ronda said...

Sounds like you both had a wonderful time together. I love the idea of "deck dates". Gonna have to do that one.

Hope all are well, healthy & happy!

Love & Prayers,

Becky K. said...

You are a very smart lady. We enjoyed dinner and a movie together this week while our kids were at your house. Thanks!

Cheryl said...

What a delightful idea...and a delightful surprise for your hubby!

deborah said...

Great idea! It's just nice to have time now and then to have a conversation uninterrupted and enjoy being together!

Boho Farm and Home said...

What a great idea...there is a lot of wisdom in it! xoxo

Anonymous said...

You are a very wise wife! ;o)

And you have created another beautiful blog header as well.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

That must have been such a lovely surprise for him! It's so much easier now that our daughter is older (19).

Vee said...

How good to have some cherished time alone together. Think you can make that happen every now and then?

Third shift is a bugger.

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