Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow Day, But Looking Ahead...

 Tim and Lindsay are both off to work this morning.  Not sure that we will have any customers today, but the farmer's market was open so we opened too.  

 For a while this morning we were getting sleet but then it turned back to all snow...

 We have about 3-4 inches.

 I loved Maxx's paw prints on the deck!

The view out of my front window...don't look too closely - we need to scrape paint and put a fresh coat on the window sill.  I actually would like to replace this window...

Now thinking ahead...Lindsay and I worked on our garden plans last evening.  We went over what we planted last year, what grew well, what didn't, what we would like for this year.  We are only keeping our raised beds for our strawberries this year, and are going to plow up a bigger space.  We also are going to grow some heirloom corn this year!

We made our list, I got online at and placed our order!  Love the convenience of technology! 

Do you garden?  If so, do you save seeds?  Do you can your produce or just eat it fresh?  What is your favorite thing to grow?


Melissa G said...

Ohh, the snow looks beautiful! We are having a lovely sunny day here in central florida but that snow looks so cozy!

I think having good seeds makes a big difference. I had planted some seeds that were left in our garage and they don't grow! I'm guessing seeds get too old?

Vee said...

What a lovely view out your window! It's snowing here as well. Wonder if it's the same weather system...

I'd love some raised beds just so I don't have to bend. The knees ache, the back aches, I'm a wimp. Now a strawberry crop is something John would love, but since we can pick fresh strawberries just down the road for pretty cheap, we don't worry about trying to get any going. Besides all that, we are living on a postage stamp so I do a lot of container gardening for herbs and things.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

We also had snow and sleet. It made it pretty to look at but I hear the roads are still bad.

The Interstate was a mess off an on for the past two days.

I'm only thinking of my garden right now. We plan to set aside some of our tax refund this year to purchase more flowers for the deck and front porch than we have in recent years.

Family and friends will be here for the wedding so we want it to look pretty but I'm sure my hubby would do it if only Faith were visiting.

She's the flower loving granddaughter in the yellow dress at Colonial Williamsburg. Granddad's girl!

Sue said...

Loved the View, snow is always so pretty when it first arrives, we might get a couple of snowfalls each winter, but this one so far as been very mild. One of my favorite things to do is to sit down with dh and plan our garden for the new year, we are already planning and looking for new seed, especially heirloom . Thanks for the link!
I must comment on your last post, and thought is was so precious, the two children quoting scripture was so special, I especially loved how the brother had is hand on sister's shoulder. priceless! Please tell them for me , what a great job they did!
I will also be praying for your store, and of continued success!

Always fun catching up as I have been away from my computer this week.
Enjoy your weekend.

Cheryl said...

Deanna, I, too, love the view outside your window...I adore a picket fence! Hope your kiddos enjoyed the snow today. :-)

As for the garden, I am afraid that I am not much of a gardener. I am not a farm girl at heart. I grew up in a neighborhood in town, and we never had a garden. My husband grew up on a small farm, and when we first got married, he planted a HUGE garden which totally overwhelmed me. Also, I hate the heat, and I am afraid of snakes. So now you know...I am a wimp all around! Pitiful.

I do enjoy my herb garden though. Does that count? Herbs are so accomodating. They have such few demands.

Blessings for your weekend...

no spring chicken said...

You people with REAL gardens make me think I need to expand. But when I get realistic I know that there is nowhere else to go. I'm actually thinking of devoting one of my 2 raised beds to a dye garden. We'll see.

Blessings, Debbie

deborah said...

Your snow pictures are so pretty!

We do some gardening. Our favorite thing is sweet corn. We eat it fresh{and love it} and we usually freeze some. I also can green beans and freeze pumpkin some years. I've never saved seeds, but I'm not an avid gardener like some people. I really don't have a green thumb.

My mom and dad's house has a window very similar to yours!

Heart Breaking

  This post is not meant to be political. It is just to join in the grief of the loss of Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas.   You can see the ter...