Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

We've Been Watching A Lot Of This

Are you familiar with Tin Tin?  A lot of people we know have never heard of him.  Our friend Denny said " I've heard of Rin Tin Tin." We laughed.
We discovered Tin Tin when our son Nate was younger and looking for something interesting for a boy to read from the library.  He really enjoyed reading these stories.  A few years later we discovered a cartoon series of the Adventures of Tin Tin.

After Christmas we decided to see a film as a family and we choose Tin Tin - though the girls had all seen it.  We enjoyed it very much, especially Kyle.  So when he was looking to use his Target gift card last week, and not being able to find a toy he wanted in his price range, we headed over to the dvd section to see what he might find.  (I find that most of it is, to borrow Charlotte Mason's term, "twaddle.")  Just when we thought he would have to give up his search I spied "The Adventures of Tin Tin," season one of the animated series!  

He and Sarah and Rachel have been enjoying them.  If you are interested in reading more about Herge' and Tin Tin I found the Wikipedia page very good. Here is the link - Tin Tin
Have a wonderful day.  Thanks for all your sweet comments and encouragement yesterday.


Vee said...

I don't think that my grands are quite up to this level of sophistication, but I'll be keeping it in mind for another year. Thank you for the review!

Humble wife said...

I have not watched this but have heard of it. I too long for something when I go and rarely find movie/tv appropriate for what I wish.

Glad that you found a good one!


Cheryl said...

Thanks for the recommendation! Off to check Netflix...

Unknown said...

i haven't seen the movie that is out now. but growing up, i used to read the comics! :)

hope you can check out my blog for some +vibes and inspiration!

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Savories of life said...

Have you seen the movie? we are French so enjoy the real books:) drop in

no spring chicken said...

What a find! I'm eager to check these out. I still haven't seen the movie but look forward to it.

Blessings, Debbie

Sarah Belle said...

Our Family loved the movie!!! Thanks for the tip about the series, i will check it out!! Lord Bless you, tammy

deborah said...

My kids adore the Tin-tin books! I first heard of them from Timberdoodle, a place where I order homeschool stuff. My kids have spent hours reading them. I didn't know there was an animated series! We just recently went to the theater and watched the movie.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Yes we're familiar with Tin-Tin. Although my daughter has never been a big fan. Haven't seen the movie yet but since my daughter wants to be an animator, we wind up seeing all those films!

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