Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Few Great Quotes And A Thought From My Husband....
Une Petite Fille - William Adolphe Bouguereau
Christ will be master of the heart, and sin must be mortified. If your life is unholy, then your heart is unchanged, and you are an unsaved person. The Savior will sanctify His people, renew them, give them a hatred of sin, and a love of holiness. The grace that does not make a man better than others is a worthless counterfeit. Christ saves His people, not IN their sins, but FROM their sins. Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.
~Charles Spurgeon

Sometimes it seems that the American church’s highest value is what Francis Schaeffer called “personal peace and affluence.” We want to be accepted. We don’t want to be controversial. Above all, we don’t want to suffer. It is time for Christ-followers to stand up and say, “We must do what is right, regardless of the consequences.” “But Peter and the apostles answered, ‘We must obey God rather than men’” (Acts. 5:29). 
~Randy Alcorn
My blogging friend, the sweet, tenderhearted Katy, shared these 
quotes on her blog The Country Blossom
I read them to my husband and he commented on the Act 5:29 
verse saying that the thing with the apostles is that those who were 
persecuting them took note that "they had been with Jesus."  Then 
he said "The problem with believers today is that "we haven't really 
been with Jesus."
I thought that was very challenging, and true.
May you delight in being with Jesus today! 


Cheryl said...

Much food for thought. True words--from Spurgeon, Alcorn, and your husband!

Convicting words too...

Vee said...

I need clarification. It's been like this all day. My brain is scrambled and I don't seem able to think for myself. If you don't believe me, I'll give you proof. ☺ What do you think your hubby means by this? Or, better yet, what does your hubby mean by this?

Simple Home said...

Wonderful quotes, and your husband is very insightful. My first thought when I read this was about how God uses the trials in our life to bring us to Him. However, here in America, we aren't tested in our faith like so many have been through history. Well said!

Sarah Belle said...

We have been listenin to JOhn Piper, he speaks of havin Jesus as our most valued treasure. I think on this for 1 minute and understand what he and your husband are saying. Do we reflect *having been with Jesus* or valueing Him above all us. Great thoughts. Thank you. Lord BLess you all~tammy

deborah said...

I really want "to be with Jesus and have Him in me". Too often, I let everything else become more important.

We aren't supposed to judge, yet we do need to stand for the right and distinguish between right and wrong. I think it can be hard to not judge someone, yet not be accepting of sin.

deborah said...

I really want "to be with Jesus and have Him in me". Too often, I let everything else become more important.

We aren't supposed to judge, yet we do need to stand for the right and distinguish between right and wrong. I think it can be hard to not judge someone, yet not be accepting of sin.

Anonymous said...

I love the quotes because there is much truth contained in them. And what your husband added is absolutely true as well.

Katy said...

Thank you, Deanna, for mentioning me...and your sweet words! I am glad you liked these quotes as well...and what your husband said is so true! I hope you are having a wonderful week!

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