Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, January 23, 2016

As Of This Morning

Still snowing.  There is more to come, possibly through Sunday morning.

Kyle is out trying to find the snow board he used last night.  He said he left it out because he knew he was going to use it today.  He may not find it until spring!  Poor kid!

Edited to add - I am having trouble seeing the video but is it showing up sideways?  Sigh...


Vee said...

No, it's not sideways, but you held your phone in the vertical position??? Not too bad, and we'll want updates. John and I had quite a chuckle over Kyle looking for his snowboard. We can imagine him tunneling around in the snow like a mole looking for it. I sure hope that he finds it so he can have some fun with it!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Have a wonderful cozy day!!!

podso said...

Beautiful, pristine snow. I'm always impressed at the quiet when it's snowing. Sun is out here and ours is starting to melt. But the problem is that it won't finish and then refreeze and the side streets never get plowed so it's sort of a waiting game. Tomorrow will be warmer so all will be well….especially those concerned about the big game!

podso said...

I should say I was struck by the quietness when I watched the video which was straight up.

Theresa said...

Lots of the white fluffy snow:) SO PRETTY! Stay safe and warm! HUGS!

Buttercup said...

The snow is starting to taper off here, but it's supposed to go until the morning. I'm trying to stay in the present enjoying my visits with my blog buddies and my crème brulee candle. Keep cozy!

Tim said...

the video is right side up and showed fine!

Tim said...

how many inches (or feet) did you get? we got 8 inches in nashville.

Cheryl said...

Poor Kyle!! I'm sure it seemed like a good plan at the time. :)

Still riding out the storm? Same here.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...