Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sitting In The Quiet

Everyone is gone to take firewood to my parents.  Tim even picked up Kamryn so she could go, too.  Everyone is preparing for a huge snow storm that should start on Friday and continue into Saturday.

I took a half an hour, after cleaning up the kitchen, to move the furniture in the living room and clean under them (dustballs galore!).  I even moved the two couches and one chair to different spots, but I moved them back since that is where the arrangement is working for now.

I'm thankful to be feeling better, thank you for your kind questions and prayers.  I've been knitting and I'm almost done with the blue hat that I started a few weeks ago.  I knit in starts and stops.  Some times I knit for a while for days in a row then I won't touch it for days.  It depends on my schedule.  Are you like that with some projects, or am I the only one?  Some projects I get done very quickly then others, not so much.

 The girls and I started a series on Netflix called "When Calls The Heart."  I'm certain some of you have already seen several seasons of this.  We are enjoying it but, man, sometimes we are really annoyed with Elizabeth!  She can be so obnoxious to Jack.  Sarah in particular has things to say while we watch!  Some of it reminds us of the series Christy, but not as beautifully filmed or acted.  Still we are enjoying it well enough, and are going to watch some episodes when they get back from my parents house.

Have you seen this show?  Do you like it?  What projects are you working on during these winter months?


Sherry said...

i couldn't get into this particular show - i didn't find it as accurately adhering to historical truth in life, etc.

as to projects.. honey, i've got a closet full! half done.

Vee said...

I did watch some of that series, but I was not watching on Netflix so it was a challenge...You Tube is not always that reliable. I will watch on Netflix next time. I have been watching Monarch of the Glen (also on Netflix) as I missed it (purposely) the first time around. I know that Judy recommended it to me...did you as well? The scenery is gorgeous! Makes me want to go to Scotland and now that I've learned that a limb of the family tree is from Scotland (Laurie) I am more interested than ever. John and I may find that we are cousins after all!

You did way too much shoving of furniture around and then back again? Ackkk! You youngsters can get away with that stuff.☺

Cheryl said...

I smiled at your moving all of the furniture around and then moving it back. Why did I smile? Because I have done that very thing (on several occasions). Sometimes there just is no better way than the way it is. (But I still like to try.) Of course, these days I usually do such things when the girls are around to help me. I am impressed that you hauled it all around yourself!

podso said...

We watch it on hallmark as new episodes come out. It's getting better I think. More characters. We too are getting ready for a storm--probably mostly ice. I've been cleaning out and reorganizing cupboards. Wondering why I didn't do it a few years ago as it already is making life easier. Stay safe in the storm.

Theresa said...

I hope you all get warm and cozy for the Winter storm! I haven't heard of that show, sounds interesting! Enjoy your day dear friend, happy you are feeling better, HUGS!

Elizabeth said...

Yes, I watch that series on the hallmark channel! I am looking forward to it returning next month! Enjoy your winter days!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

You're ambitious Deanna, moving furniture around but the dust bunnies do like to hide!
I haven't watched that series but I noticed one Vee mentioned to be found on Netflix I might check out.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...