Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 18, 2016

How I Am Fighting My Cold

I've been fighting a cold, mostly sinuses this past week.  I've mostly felt it in the mornings and then feel fine later in the day.  This weekend it wanted to hang out with me all day, and be my friend, but I'm determined that this cold and I are not going to be friends.

I had a bad sinus headache yesterday and I should have stayed home from church to rest, but I didn't, though I left early in the afternoon.

I've been fighting it by taking Echinacea with Vitamin C, which I am continuing to do and I am diffusing peppermint oils as well, to open up my sinuses.

That is working because I've been using the Neti pot and my sinuses are not clogged up, for which I am thankful.

I also am resting, other than taking Rachel to work, drinking hot tea and lots of other fluids.  I'm eating well, and staying away from sugar.  I'm also adding probiotics to my daily routine, since such a huge part of our immune system is dependent on our healthy gut flora.

I'm thankful that I can take the time I need to rest, which is important when your body is fighting something.

I'm also going to be enjoying these beautiful roses.  I purchased this plant at Terrain on Saturday while I was out shopping with my daughters.  More on that upcoming. 




Sherry said...

i'm sorry you're under the weather, deanna.
rest, H2O, rest, supplements, rest, healing foods, rest.

Pam said...

Oh dear, I know what you are dealing with. I have horrible sinus issues and about twice a year, they really show out! It sounds like you are doing everything you can. Praying for quick healing!

Grace & Peace

Sue said...

That's exactly the way I fight my colds, especially rest and hot fluids! I am really learning a lot about essential oils,and of how beneficial they are to our health!
I also find that flowers especially those small rose bushes brighten winter days!

Prayers that you get well son, thank you for sharing these important tips! I just heard of a book about health called "The Prime", which the author spoke of the importance of having a healthy gut! I so agree!
Hugs from me to you!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I do similar things. I hope you feel better soon!!!! Praying!

Rebecca said...

Sounds like you're doing everything right!
How beautiful the roses are! I'll look forward to hearing their story.

podso said...

Those roses should help you feel better! They're beautiful. I do hope you fight this bug off and feel 100% soon.

Cheryl said...

Your roses are beautiful!! I am looking forward to hearing more about Terrain!

I hope you were able to get more rest and are soon on the mend!

Vee said...

May all your remedies set you back on the path to feeling great. Those roses are gorgeous!

Melissa G said...

Those roses are so pretty!
I hope you feel better soon! I like drinking the Gypsy Cold Care tea when i'm not feeling well. It really seems to help and it tastes good!

Cranberry Morning said...

So sorry you're under the weather. Although the Neti pot has a mysterious, slightly disgusting sound to it, my daughter swears by it too, as she is prone to sinus infection. It always seems to nip it in the bud. Get well soon, and I hope you have a restful and healing weekend.

Sandi said...

I thought you were going to say you fought your cold with roses!

Get well soon.

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