Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 15, 2016

Unexpected Kindness

We received a kind card in the mail on Friday.

 The vet techs and the Veterinarian who cared for Sadie all wrote personal notes on the card as well.

Included in the card were these sweet paw prints...

Rachel was very touched, and so was I.

 We are very grateful for their kindness.


Cheryl said...

Kindness like that means so much!

Daniel said...

So sad :(

Daniel said...

So sad :-(

Daniel said...

Oops, didn't see the approval notice the first time around... :$

Melissa G said...

Wow that is very sweet and kind. I'm glad you have those paw prints in memory of her.

podso said...

A good example of their total care! We got a similar card after our dog died. It means so much.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

How thoughtful of them during a hard time.

Theresa said...

Oh my goodness, how sweet is that! Love in the mail:) HUGS!

Sherry said...

how very thoughtful..
{{{gentle hug}}}

Vee said...

Oh how special...the paw print. You have a thoughtful Vet and clinic. That is good to see and I know that you were touched by that gesture.

Laurel purchased clay for that task and now has both her kitty and the pawprints. The vet told her that a course of antibioitic might be helpful. If not, she'd know what next to do. Thus far, it is helping.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

How thoughtful and kind, you dealt with a great vet's office.

Sue said...

I am so sorry for your loss of Sadie, this was a very thoughtful gift from the vet!, especially the paw print!
I read the previous posts. (as always I seem to be trying to catch=up). I hope you are feeling better, sinus problems really drain us of our energy!
I plan to do some repotting of my plants this week, and to plant some of those that I rooted! I haven't been on line as we decided to tackle a massage cleanup job, of cleaning and reorganizing our garage, WoW! that was some project, and I am so thankful it is completed!
I enjoyed your thoughts on your gratitude, list that is my word for 2016, thanks for the encouragement!.
Have a great week,

Donna said...

It really helps to know they care...a lovely kindness!
Get better soon!

Information Friday

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