Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 22, 2016

Garden: Dreaming of Hydrangea

Snowmaggeden may be headed our way but I am dreaming of Hydrangea!

 My tried and true blues, and a new white.  Sigh....

I planted a deep pink last year too.  Hoping that they all survive the cold and snow!


Vee said...

They'll be fine. I'm pretty sure. Say, your blog looks so pretty. I panicked the other day when it was "in between" as I thought you had also gone to the minimalist look. I love this...looks so cozy and warm. So how's Snowmageddon treating you folks so far?

Cheryl said...

Hydrangeas...such gorgeous flowers!!

Here I sit, dreaming about next week, hoping that the storm has moved on and the cold viruses have moved on...and there you are dreaming of summer and those beautiful flowers! Your imagination is much better than mine. I think I'll join you...

Sherry said...

longing for summer midst a winter storm...?
you're a wise woman. hoping you have cocoa at the ready.

Lorrie said...

Hydrangeas - my favorite garden flowers. I hope the storm is over quickly, without much damage. Our son is supposed to fly into DC on Sunday for business. Enjoy the summer dreams!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hydrangeas are my favourite shrub Deanna and I have several varieties. Unfortunately the big mop heads that you like don't overwinter well and the buds are killed in spring resulting in no flowers.
A new one I'm waiting for blooms on is an oak leaf hydrangea, love the leaves.
Stay warm!

Tim said...

I love hydrangeas! I just planted some oak leaf hydrangeas for the first time in fall.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...