Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Our Business

 You may not know that a few years ago we owned a small shop in the city that sold handbags and women's accessories.  It was fun to buy for the shop and to meet people and sell items.  Tourism really slowed in the city and sales dropped, the girls were busier with their other jobs, and I still had three kids at home who needed me.  So we closed the store.

Tim worked for over 20 years at a local printing company that is the largest in the world.  He was a skilled machinist and did repairs to presses, and made partsA few years ago, their weekend schedules changed and he had then to work every other weekend.  That meant working 12 days to get 2 days off.  Not fun.  Hard to be a part of church and the family.  His shifts changed every 5 weeks as well, so he was working either 8am - 4pm, 4pm-12am, 12am-8am.  

Tim has a gift for service and he's loyal.  He was comfortable working there, but overtime, God was leading him down a path that he would never have chosen for himself.  Self Employment.

He has lots of skills, and has spent years quietly helping others with home improvement projects, repairs, changing peoples brakes, yard work.  The list could go on, and he always did it free of charge.  He wasn't sure how to make it into a viable business that could provide for his family.  

A friend of ours grew up in a highly entrepreneurial family and owns a septic installation business.   He mentioned to Tim that he could teach him how to do inspections on septic systems.  So Tim started to learn that and then took a PSMA certification course and started to sub contract for our friend.

Now he is focusing on building his business here in Lancaster County, though he still will do inspections in other counties when needed. 

He has an official business card.  

And a Facebook page for his business.  A regular website will be coming soon.  He is in the process of contacting realtors and getting the word out about his business.

If you have FB feel free to drop by his page and give it a like!  If you live locally and need an inspection, give him a call to schedule one today!

Prayers for this venture would be greatly appreciated, too!  It's a huge step of faithGod has been faithful to meet all our needs.  This next month could be very slow but the weather is warming up again next week and we are hopeful that the work will pick up!

Do any of you have your own businesses?  Any stories to share?



Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Congratulations to your hubby Tim, I hope he does well. I think anyone with a necessary service and great customer service will succeed.

Terra said...

I think this change will be a big improvement for your husband. Those shift time changes are tough on our bodies. Good for him.

Vee said...

John has been self-employed for thirty years, prior to that he worked construction and as a machinist. He says it's all about trusting The Lord as I know you folks are doing. (He also said it's either feast or famine, but let's not pay much attention to that bit.) Since God called you to it, I am certain that your every need will be provided and that the work will be there. When the economy turns around, things will be all the better. It must have been terrible to do those rotating shifts...nearly impossible in fact.

Brendel's Blessings said...

Deanna, It is a great step of faith to do this and God will honor what is in your hearts. We pray that He will lead your business and provide the contacts necessary to make it grow. I will definitely share this with our landlord who works at Berkshire Hathaway. Best wishes to you and your family, Jim and Rose Brendel

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

So awesome! I sold children books for a while.

podso said...

Congratulations! And I like the logo.

Cheryl said...

It was a courageous move for Tim to step out of his comfort zone in order to be more present for his family and church family. It is not easy to make such a move, and I applaud him for it. I pray that the Lord continues to guide in all of this.

Theresa said...

My Daughter and Son-in-law started their business many years ago! It started out small and is now a HUGE success with lots of employees:) I pray that yours will go well too and provide for your family! Have a blessed day dear friends, HUGS!

Donna said...

We've been in a family business for 62 years...Hubby's parents started it and hubby and his brother along with us wives, run the two locations.
We trust in God to keep us in His Hands...always.
You'll both do great!

Tim said...

nice logo design!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...