Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy Anniversary To Us!

My view of marriage has changed over the years, from one of romantic and me centered to one of sanctification, daily.  I love my husband, deeply and with real love now, which has deep roots.  Our love when we married was shallow, but the Lord in His goodness has used hurt and kindness, pain and joy, and continues to root out selfI'm thankful for God's faithfulness.

Twenty Eight years is a long time.  Sometimes it feels like a vapor, sometimes I wonder "where did that time go?"  Then I look at our family, and see the work that has been accomplished.  The road has been rocky at times and we've wondered at His plan.  Yet He continues to lead us on hand in hand, and we are thankful.

We took a walk to a gazebo in the woods on this beautiful property we are staying on.  We took these selfies, which we rarely do, and sent this last one to our kids.

This is what we got back.


 First from Lindsay and Joseph, who are holding down the fort at Creekside Cottage.

 And then this from those cute honeymooners!

 This property is called Moss Side.

It's on a working farm.  In this photo you can see part of the house, the kitchen behind the house and the barn in the back.
 I love the kitchen.

 Lavender is growing by the door.

 Beautiful wreaths on the doors.
 This leads to the screened in back porch, and to the back door of the house.

I'm enjoying the quiet, and am still in bed, but oh! what a bed it is!

 This is my view as I read and write this morning.



Sherry said...

i love that a good marriage is a story of commitment to putting the other before yourself. thankful you're in such a sweet spot to celebrate 28 years .. and that the silliness you share is shared back double! haha

Estelle's said...

Darling...have a lovely anniversary!

podso said...

Love changes as the years go by and becomes more beautiful and much deeper and sacrificial. What a wonderful thing God ordained. Hey continued having a wonderful time! It looks like a wonderful place!

Vee said...

What a wonderful place. What a wonderful room to start the day in. A fireplace...peaceful sigh.

I see that the nuts don't fall too far from the tree! ; >

Enjoyed reading the commentary on marriage. Very thoughtful. Many many more years to perfect the love...

Melissa G said...

Happy anniversary! Love you guys1

Cynthia Berenger said...

Many more years of joy!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

That's quite a view from where you're reading and writing, enjoy your time away. I had to laugh at all the selfies - you guys know how to have fun. lol I also chuckled at your comment of 28 years being a long time - we'll have 44 to look back upon this year so we must be really ancient. :-)

Cheryl said...

Your family makes the best faces! :D

The place where you are staying is absolutely gorgeous!! I'm afraid I'd have to be dragged away kicking and screaming! It's a good thing I'm not there. ~~swoon~~

Although I am considering coming down and sneaking that beautiful Williamsburg-y wreath off the door... ~~more swooning~~

Have fun, Lovebirds!!

Cheryl said...

P.S. I got so caught up the the Williamsburg-ness that I forgot to say a hearty "Amen!" to your thoughts on marriage. Love deepens and matures.

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful place to celebrate! (And if my experience is typical, you're understanding and appreciation of marriage will CONTINUE to evolve as the years fly by!)

Tim said...

That place you stayed at was real nice!

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