Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 4, 2016

Beautiful Tea Things

The vacation home we stayed in was built in the 1800's and is decorating in a very classic style.  They had several tea sets around, and this one was my favorite.  Sitting on the sideboard in the dining room, was this beautiful silver service.

This set was in the parlor.

 There was one more - a blue and white tea pot and two tea cups and saucers in the second bedroom, but I didn't get a photo of those. Boo!

We drove home Sunday, going a different way than we normal go, and came upon George Washington's birthplace. It is part of the National Park system, and is free to the public.

In a house on the property they have it set up as it might have been in his parents day.  I was delighted to find a collection of tea pots, and zoomed in to try to capture them 

 Here you see them on the left in the photo.
 And a few more on this shelf.
Apparently it was very common to show off all your dishes and flatware as it showed how well off you were.

 I'm joining Sandi's No Place Like Home party and Bernideen's BTTCG blog party.  



Bernideen said...

Dear Deanna:
Now that was fun! Isn't it fun to see "other people's" tea things. And to get to see where George Washing grew up was really special. I am so glad you shared your special trip and visit!

Vee said...

So pleased that you and Tim were able to get away and that this place was your destination. Perfect planning on someone's part! One can save on a lot of cabinetry if displaying all the dishes.

Linda said...

You had such a great trip! I so enjoyed this post and seeing what YOU saw!!!

Cheryl said...

Oh, you must have been in tea heaven!! :)

I am also noticing that citrus arrangement on the dining table. So lovely!

Sherry said...

what a pretty place!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

What fun to have a peek at treasures from the past! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip and thank you for sharing with us. Happy New Year, Deanna!


relevanttealeaf said...

Beautiful tea things, indeed! I loved seeing your photos.

Sue said...

Beautiful, indeed, the etching on the silver tea pot is so lovely, What a special treat for you!
Your special time together sound perfect! and what a wonderful start to a New Year!
Thanks for sharing.

Debby Ray said...

What a beautiful place to stay with so many lovelies all around. What a time you must have had :)

Tim said...

Deanna, I have come to love you, Tim, and your family. We had a fantastic time up in Lancaster and we will be looking forward to seeing ya'll again.

Margie said...

I always enjoy seeing tea sets from historic homes. Thanks for sharing!

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