Sometimes we argued and fought, but mostly we love each other and walk together through life. We chose home education for our family because it allowed us to share our lives on a day to day basis.
My dear friend Karen Andreola shared this story on her FB page the other day, and I'm sharing it here with her permission.
It had been a dull year in the little church in Scotland. The deacons finally said to the old pastor, “We love you, but don’t you think you’d better resign? There hasn’t been a single convert this year.”
Solemnly, the pastor answered, “It has been a dull year. Yet, one did
come. Wee Bobby. But he’s so small I suppose he doesn’t count.”
Years later Bobby Moffat asked the pastor, “Do you think I could ever learn to preach? I feel within me that I ought. If I could lead souls to Christ, I'd be so happy!”
The pastor answered, “Well, Bobby, you might preach. Who knows? At least, you can try.”
Bobby did try, and many years later, when Robert Moffat returned from his wonderful missionary work in Africa, the King of England rose and Parliament stood as a mark of respect.
Robert Moffat (1795-1883) Scottish missionary to Africa, father-in-law of David Livingstone, translated the whole of the Bible into Setswana.
This story was in a book of 1,000 stories for children's workers. What it made me think of was the importance of the work we, as parents and grandparents, do as share the Lord with the little people God places in our lives. So many don't feel this is important work, just a stage to be gotten through, until our children move into adulthood.
God knows exactly what tasks He has equipped each person to do. He sends each one with every thing they need to do the job he has for them! We must not over look the important task of helping children come to know Him!
Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto me, and do not forbid them." The disciples thought Jesus had more important things to do than spend time with children. Jesus thought otherwise. "The kingdom belongs to such as these."
How sad that the elders of the church that Robert Moffat grew up in didn't consider his coming to the Lord as significant, as if he didn't count. He counted in the eyes of the ONE who had saved him, and gifted him! Karen told me that Robert Moffet also translated Pilgrim's Progress in the tribal language that he translated the Bible into!
I'll never regret leading my children to the Lord, and encouraging them as we walk together through life. Half of them are now adults and have grown up responsibilities. They still need to know their parents are praying for them and love them and are walking still by their sides.
I believe that God asks us to be faithful to do this job, and then He asks us to leave the results up to Him. This is hard. I used to try so hard to do His job. In tried to make results happen. He has taught be a lot through painful experiences to leave my children in His hands, and to pray. He is faithful, He uses many things we would not ever choose in order to help us learn of Him. This includes our children and the choices they make. He will use it all for His glory.
I want to encourage you, friends, whether you are parenting young children, or spending time with grandchildren, do not become weary in what you are doing. It is such important work.
Keep looking to Him for help and guidance. He wants us to know Him and He will help you in this great work He has called you to.
Big family photo from Nate and Kay's wedding.
Years later Bobby Moffat asked the pastor, “Do you think I could ever learn to preach? I feel within me that I ought. If I could lead souls to Christ, I'd be so happy!”
The pastor answered, “Well, Bobby, you might preach. Who knows? At least, you can try.”
Bobby did try, and many years later, when Robert Moffat returned from his wonderful missionary work in Africa, the King of England rose and Parliament stood as a mark of respect.
Robert Moffat (1795-1883) Scottish missionary to Africa, father-in-law of David Livingstone, translated the whole of the Bible into Setswana.
This story was in a book of 1,000 stories for children's workers. What it made me think of was the importance of the work we, as parents and grandparents, do as share the Lord with the little people God places in our lives. So many don't feel this is important work, just a stage to be gotten through, until our children move into adulthood.
God knows exactly what tasks He has equipped each person to do. He sends each one with every thing they need to do the job he has for them! We must not over look the important task of helping children come to know Him!
Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto me, and do not forbid them." The disciples thought Jesus had more important things to do than spend time with children. Jesus thought otherwise. "The kingdom belongs to such as these."
How sad that the elders of the church that Robert Moffat grew up in didn't consider his coming to the Lord as significant, as if he didn't count. He counted in the eyes of the ONE who had saved him, and gifted him! Karen told me that Robert Moffet also translated Pilgrim's Progress in the tribal language that he translated the Bible into!
I'll never regret leading my children to the Lord, and encouraging them as we walk together through life. Half of them are now adults and have grown up responsibilities. They still need to know their parents are praying for them and love them and are walking still by their sides.
I believe that God asks us to be faithful to do this job, and then He asks us to leave the results up to Him. This is hard. I used to try so hard to do His job. In tried to make results happen. He has taught be a lot through painful experiences to leave my children in His hands, and to pray. He is faithful, He uses many things we would not ever choose in order to help us learn of Him. This includes our children and the choices they make. He will use it all for His glory.
I want to encourage you, friends, whether you are parenting young children, or spending time with grandchildren, do not become weary in what you are doing. It is such important work.
Keep looking to Him for help and guidance. He wants us to know Him and He will help you in this great work He has called you to.

Big family photo from Nate and Kay's wedding.
It IS important work!! Hard and joyful, self-sacrificing and with eternal consequences. I'd never try to do this work without Him!
What a beautiful and encouraging post, Deanna. What a great looking family!
That pastor must have been positively ancient by the time the little boy had grown up. I often think of the people "behind the scenes" who influenced the "greats." There's a whole lot going on there that we sometimes don't get to know about. You're right. Be encouraged! Wonderful family photo!
I feel as much called to grandparent as I did to parent!
I like your encouraging commentary about Intentional Parenting and leading our little ones to Christ. What could be more important than this? You have a beautiful family. Bless you.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I like the red fabric print in the borders of the blog. It makes me want to make another little quilt, this time in reds. I'm partial to red.
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