Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What Colors Are You Drawn To?

We all have a favorite color.  One we love to wear or use in our house.  We love it because it energizes us, or helps us to relax.

I love red.  I wear it, use it in my home decor, paint my doors with it.  It is a bold color and one full of energy.  It's not a color I would paint my bedroom walls, but many people use it in dining rooms, and we have it in our basement, a space designed for activity.

I also love yellow.  Not banana yellow or primary yellow, but soft yellows, ones the shade of sunshine and also yellows with a tinge of aged gold in them.  Yellow quickly warms a room, invites you in.

I am drawn to many colors that I don't use as focal colors in my home - teal, blue, grey.  I use them as accent colors though.

I love jewels tone colors and white and not surprisingly those are the colors that look the best on me.

I love blue and white together, but never use it in my home.  I just sigh over the pages of Victoria magazine when they do their blue and white features, and I adore Dotsie's header over at Podso.    

I tried blue and white out one summer in my living room and it just wasnt' me, though I wear blue and white.  Who knows what the deal is?  I have brought in some navy blue over the last year or so, maybe its just that I haven't hit on the right shade of blue for the house?  Hmmm.  I'll have to give that some thought. 

  I do love this navy and white together!

So what about you?  Favorite colors or colors your drawn to, but maybe don't use in your home?  I'd love to hear all about it! 


Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I tend to be decorate with light blue and white. I love cream colors. I also love black and white. I love pops of red, burgundy. I love green and white with bright colors but I do not decorate this way. I also love the yellow and love the way it looks in magazines but never use it. I tried one time and it didn't look right. So, I repainted the walls.

I tend to have all creamy soft beige walls with a tint of yellow and then accent with blue, white, black, and pops of yellow and red. I know sounds crazy. But it really does work and looks great. I tend to love the colors on your blog background. Love it. But mainly I am a soft blue and creamy person.

What a fun post.

Vee said...

Yellow is my favorite color...a buttery yellow specifically. You won't find it used anywhere in my home (except kitchen cabinets) and I definitely can not wear it as I look ill. Funny how it happens that colors we really enjoy are not used. You are doing really well to use your favorite red as much as you do.

(My bedroom walls look yellowish in the photo I recently used, but they are really a very blah beige.)

I have never, in all my life, had the luxury of choosing my colors as they have always been dictated by the "hand-me-downs." Crazy!

Lorrie said...

Blue and white for me, always. I love wearing it and I love decorating with it. I add other colors from time to time, or flirt with new wall colors, but I always end up going back to blues/whites/grays. Your new bed outfit looks great!

Donna said...

Favorite is pink...really like blue and white together as well...
The red is pretty too...

podso said...

It's funny as I don't see blue and white associated with you, which is probably because I see so much red at your blog! But it sounds to me like you simply like color! As do I! I have a yellow and blue kitchen, green (love green) bedroom and everything else is sort of gray, blue or neutral. I do love pops of red!

Sally said...

Oh, I love red also and painted out back door with it. I once did a bedroom decorated in white/bold blue. Yellow is a favorite also; my mom told me way back when that I didn't look good in it, but that hasn't stopped me from wearing it occasionally. These days my favorite would have to be turquoise; we used drapes that color in the living room with additional bright orange, with a little turquoise and some additional colors - looks really good!

I used to be a fan of sage green but have in recent years had a liking for lime green. Also, in going back many years, I had a sofa that was lime and white (large) checks with a chair in lime and white (small) stripes. At that time also, we had a bright yellow lounge chair. I know it probably sounds terrible, but I really like it, and Sears did the covers. Good old Sears. :)

Well, you've really had me thinking today. LOL

Jennifer Westbrook said...

I'm drawn to pinks, especially soft pink, in clothing and accessories. But, someday, when I get around to doing more home decorating, I would like to use neutral tones as a backdrop for brightly-colored pieces of furniture or fabrics. Maybe in my next house? LOL!

Rebecca said...

We have a lot of blue here - several shades of it.
I wear black. And grey. Almost all the time. Even when I'm skinny!

Tim said...

I'm kind of weird probably because I love all colors! Now I don't like them all used in all situations, but with thought and used appropriately, I will like every color because it can be used to express a certain thought, idea or feeling that another color cannot. But I generally and drawn to RED in clothing, lips and nails! :)

Cheryl said...

I love color!! Lots of them! In my home, I use more colonial colors like gray-green, barn red, navy, mustard. And although I wear black (a lot!), I like pops of color with it: red, turquoise, royal blue, coral.

Even the colors that I don't use in either home decor or fashion, I love to see in someone else's. For example, I adore pink, but I don't want to decorate with it, and I don't look good in it. I am glad that the Lord created a colorful world!!

Theresa said...

I love red, it is scattered ALL throughout my house! My dinning room walls are a reddish maroon:) I wear lots of red and maroon too:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

relevanttealeaf said...

I love blue and white. For me, it's very soothing.

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