Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 15, 2016

Let's Chat

I'm pampering myself this week by spending time with friends.

Monday we went to a spontaneous dinner at our friends' house, Wednesday I went to my friend Susan's home.  Her husband is out of the country for work and so we took the whole evening to chat about things we love - flowers, collecting dishes and using them for events, our families, home education, and all sorts of things.  It was so fun.  Tonight I'm meeting up with church friends at a coffee place we like.  It's always fun. I'm looking forward to it.

I have been fighting a cold and I am still in the fight, but my sinuses are really annoying me today and I have a headache because of it.  It is my grocery day though, so I took some sinus medication and I'm am getting ready to head out the door.

I also want to mention that my heart is joyful at how God is showing His direction and care to Tim this first winter with his own business.  It is too much to try to write and explain, but wow!  So thankful.

I need to re-pot these house plants.  They are too big for their containers now, so I need to remember to pick up a few bigger pots today, and some potting soil.  Then I can stop saying here on the blog that I need to re-pot these plants.  I bore myself sometimes!


Tomorrow my plan is to sort through my decor and dish storage area.  I am wanting/needing to get some containers for this area and to be able to group things together in an organized way.

What are your plans for the weekend?


Sherry said...

beginning with house plants. i'm a certified *house plant hospice provider* and as such have NO house plants of the live variety. poor dears.

love your silver tea/coffee set and the painted chalk tray is terrific! i have trays. i should copy your idea. you okay with that?

podso said...

Ha ha, I also have on my list today to go through some cupboards and rearrange, cull, and find better organization. It's nice to have times with friends…I had similar this week. Always refreshing!

Vee said...

We have birthdays to celebrate this weekend right in the middle of a storm. Hope that we can make it out of the drive and across town. =D

How fun to just visit with dear friends and talk about girly things.

Feel better, don't forget your essential oils.

Rebecca said...

You have me chuckling with that "I bore myself" comment...
So happy to hear of God's provision and guidance for your family & Tim.
Weekend plans? After my husband gets off from his retirement job tomorrow afternoon, we'll head over to OH to spend time with my mother and dad. We'll probably play some games and have some fine discussions about The Word. ♥

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Ummm... writing blog posts and reading review books!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I always enjoy special time with friends. It always lifts me up and refreshes. I love your house plants. I am planning to add some to our home soon. I hope. :)

I plan to work on our laundry area and kids bathroom deep clean time. :)

Cheryl said...

It has been a busy week to say the least! Between Kristin and Brian's new baby and Ryan and Sarah's move, I have had lots of "grand" time. Delightful! I am hoping for a slow-ish day tomorrow...a little cleaning, a little reading, a little coffee time with Ron, a little cooking. On Sunday, we'll celebrate Brian's birthday.

Hope you're feeling better! Enjoy your organizing projects! I am in the mood to organize, but I have hardly had the time to keep up with normal activities during the past several months. Maybe soon...if the Lord wills...

Information Friday

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