Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 20, 2018

A Farewell Party

Lindsay and Sarah began scheming to give Rachel a surprise going away party, a few months ago.  The tricky part was a date to hold it.  It had to be a Sunday, so her Chick-fil-A peeps could come, and then there was our trip to Texas to factor in.  And what did we want to do exactly?

A secret message board was created, and it was settled to do a gourmet s'mores bar, with a nice campfire, twinkle lights hung in the trees, and hay bale seating.

But it rained, though the forecast was for sunny skies all day, then rain clearing by 4:00pm etc.  Sigh.  This has been our summer.  

The party was held at Lindsay and Joseph's so preparations could be made without Rachel knowing.  Lindsay made the call for it to be held inside, and cleverly came up with putting the marshmallows on a foil covered cookie sheet and putting them under the broiler, on low, for four minutes.  Perfection!

They planned the colors for decor to go with her favorite Van Gogh paintings, and put them everywhere!

I still can't believe we managed to fool her completely!

She's got the best group of friends.  The guys went in together and got her a waffle maker!  They know her well!

Some of her Chick-fil-A friends!

The little friends had so much fun with the balloons.

So did Kyle...

Klaire and Grandpa enjoyed s'mores together, you can see the chocolate under her chin.

There were so many people in the house, and I didn't get a photo of the S'mores bar!  Think candy like peanut butter cups, peppermint patties, peanut butter filled cookies, fudge stripe cookies, graham crackers.  One of her friends brought two gallons of her favorite chocolate milk!

Several rounds of chubby bunny were played.  Rachel won with 9 marshmallows stuffed in her mouth and able to still say "chubby bunny."  

Today's her last day of work until Christmas break.  We'll be spending the next few weeks buying what she needs for school.  We've already started so her list in manageable.  I think we're headed for Ikea this week.  I'm going to be savoring time with her!


Sue said...

Everything looks perfect, by Rachel's expression it seems she was pleasantly surprised! Best wishes to Rachel on this new journey, may it be filled with much joy, happiness and wonder.

Anonymous said...

Awesome post.

podso said...

I bet you will savor this time. I just can't believe her school doesn't start yet for a few weeks. Thats nice to have this time!

Crystal’s Health Corner said...

Fun! How special! What a beautiful smile she has <3 Beautiful inside & out <3 I especially like the pics of her coming through the door =D Great photos! Never seen or had a "gourmet s'mores bar" but that sure sounds yummy Mmmmmmm
Pls pass on my love & prayers to Rachel. I will be praying for her in this next chapter.

Vee said...

These kiddos of yours are going so fast! Enjoy your time shopping and being with Rachel. The party planners did a great job!

Linda said...

How fun was that???? Good job!

Sherry said...

she's such a dear young lady ..
what a joyous celebration in her honor. ♥

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