Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday Five

Thank you all for your kind comments on the vlog.  I think I will do more in the future.

 1. My grandson Clark in the pool made me smile this week!

 2. I helping with a book launch for Sarah Clarkson's new book 'Book Girl.'  I've been given some chapters to read, and it is reasonating with this book girl!  I've already pre-ordered a copy, and am going to increase my order to give them to my own book girls.  You can pre-order here.

3.  I started a new project last night.  This crocheted scarf is a pattern I've done before but with a smaller hook and finer yarn.  It was written for this size yarn and hook.

4.  I purchased all that paper goods for the wedding I'm coordinating.  I love seeing a plan come together.

5. This week a big sink hole opened up in the parking lot at an outlet mall where we shop often.  This section of the outlets is relatively new.  We have had a lot of rain.

I have to drop Sarah at work this morning, met with my bride and groom, and get some groceries.  

I hope you have a great weekend.  


Vee said...

Sinkholes are scary! Yikes. Clark looks very at home in the pool. My how he has grown. Hope there are plans to see Em and family soon. Happt weekend to you folks as well.

Kim said...

Sounds like a busy week...and cute baby! ;)

Sherry said...

* clark makes me smile ♥
* you're a busy bee and a wonderful example
of days well spent. hugs.

podso said...

Clark does not seem too unhappy in the water!

Theresa said...

CUTE pic of Clark splashing in the pool! I know that gave you a huge smile, me too:) I saw that sinkhole on the news:( So scary! Have a wonderfully blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Step #3: Do some soul searchhing - No one understamds the dynamics oof the relationship much
beter than you do. They offer stability and reassurfance but rarely
do our plans prepare us to the darjness of loss. With
each thought and step brings us up higher- feeling lighter once we discard
unworthy weights, don't carrying emoional baggage of the past.

Anonymous said...

As soon as I discovered this website I went on reddit to share some of the love with them.

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