Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Tea On Tuesday : My Royal Albert Tea Cups

We used to have a Royal Doulton outlet store near us, so as you can imagine, I have quite a few Royal Albert tea cups!  What's a girl to do when they are so inexpensive on sale?  Not all of my Royal Albert came from that outlet though, some have been purchased at antique stores.

                        Celebration, Old Country Roses, Moonlight Rose

Rose Cameo Pink, Rose Cameo Violet
 top to bottom, left to right: Ruby Celebration Yellow Rosebud, Ruby Celebration Green Damask, Blue Damask, Peppermint Damask

                    Ruby Lace, Soft Pink Lace, Dusky Pink Lace

         My oversized OCR, OCR Holiday, Chintz Collection

                             Dainty Dina Series Prudence, Lady Ascot

Nell Gwynne Series Lambeth, Sonnet Series Milton 

 Canada From Sea to Sea, Higland Thistle

Flower of the Month Series
Cosmos, Lily of the Valley

I hope you've enjoyed seeing these beautiful teacups by Royal Albert!  So many beautiful styles, many are OCR variations, some have unique edges, many are the same cup style.  I love them all!

Joining Bernideen (I'll be back to link tomorrow)


podso said...

They are all beautiful and are a "cut above" many other teacups/saucers. Maybe it's their royalty! I love using a variety of teacups at the table, it makes it more interesting. Sometimes I suggest people sit at the teacup of their choosing.

Elizabethd said...

Very lovely china. My favourite is Lady Ascot.

Louca por porcelana said...

Oh my!Breathtaking!Your collection is to die for!!!Thanks for sharing!

Rebecca said...

I know you said you'll them all, but do you have a favorite????

Lorrie said...

You have a lovely teacup collection! I love the chintz ones - they were made for quite a short time, I believe. My daughter has some of the plates.

Sylvia said...

Love your teacups, one of these days I hope to purchase an Old Country Roses cup!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Your RA teacup collection is just wonderful, Deanna. I have several, and I'm sipping my morning tea from Bella Rose right now.
Thank you for your kind comment on my blog.
Happy Friday!

Bernideen said...

Dear Deanna:
I do love all your teacups. When the Damask 100th anniversary series came out I thought they were a delightful idea. I sold them in my shop. Your teacups from England though will always be "more valued" than the ones from China/Indonesia. That was a sad day they made that decision. You have a fabulous collection! So glad you shared them.

Margie said...

I'm swooning over all your RA beauties! Most of my bone china teacups were from thrift stores. There's a Royal Doulton outlet near my parents' place so they've generously gifted me the OCR and blue polka dot tea sets. Thanks for stopping by.

Curtains in My Tree said...

I like the flower of the month series also the one with the thistle on it , one daughter started collecting those once, don't know if she still does. I just love finding sweet tea cups and teapots

Tea and Friendship

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