Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 3, 2018

Friday Five

How is it Friday already?  Its been a busy week, the weather has been humid, and we've had lots of rain.  

1. My baby is THIRTEEN!  How can this be?  He's taller than me (which isn't saying a whole lot), sensitive, crazy about mincraft.  He's at that early adolescent stage where he thinks he's funny, but is mostly annoying his sisters.  LOL!  He's a really good kid.  So thankful for this caboose!

2. Sarah started her first 'real' job yesterday!  She's pretty excited!

3. I'm pretty excited it is peach season in Pennyslvania!  These are Red Haven, which are my favs and are some of the first to ripen.  Thankfully, freestone peaches of many varieties will be ripening over the next month and a half!

4. Rain, and lots of it.  We had a very wet spring, and then in late May, early June it dried up, and got hot.  Then July hit, we kept the heat but we are back in the rainy weather pattern.  The temperatures are seasonal now, but humid with the rain. My table on the deck is always puddling.

5. We've also been working on Rachel's check list for school.  We got this pretty comforter for her bed this week.

I am headed out the door soon, to drop Sarah at work, and to start my grocery shopping.  I also need to pick up food for the surprise party tomorrow. 

 I hope you have a great weekend!  What are your plans?


podso said...

Lots of rain here too, and we need it. But it brings the humidity. I liked the list of old fashioned books you put on IG--or maybe it was somewhere else. Have a fun birthday celebration!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I so enjoyed your Five on Friday today. Your 13-year-old looks a mischievous darling. Happiness for your daughter in her first real job. Those peaches look so inviting to sink your teeth into. All juicy and sweet.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend ahead! Brenda xox

Theresa said...

We have had the rain but sunshine returned yesterday! Love that comforter. Blue is really the "IN" color right now:) Happy Birthday to your handsome Son! Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

fiona said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂 to your Son
Best Wishes to your Girls too.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

The kids got me a new Amazon Fire for my birthday to (kind of) replace the iPad that is dying. It is a little smaller than the iPad but works great. Christopher added me to his Netflix account and downloaded their app onto the Fire so I can watch Netflix shows on it. I'm loving that and the screen is small enough that it doesn't bother my eyes. So once I get Sunday's blog post started, I plan to watch a couple shows on the Amazon Fire. All my other errands are done to (try) to beat the heat and humidity here.

Sue said...

Happy Birthday to your son, I can hardly believe he is 13 either, congratulations on Sarah's job. The peaches look great. Our seasons sounds like yours, the sun finally came out today, but oh so hot and humid.
I am resting this weekend with minor chores, trying to catchup on my blogging and enjoying it so much.

Anonymous said...

This time of year I try to eat peach(es!) daily. I can relate.... we are in PA too!
Kids grow soooo fast.

Vee said...

Hope that Kyle has had an amazing day! Happy Birthday Weekend🎈

Kim said...

Sounds like you are busy! I have been taking a little unintentional internet break lately...and it's been nice. Love the quilt.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...