Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

When Is The 'Acceptable' Time To Decorate For Fall?

It's that time of year where the seasons are getting closer to changing, and we have the autumnal discussions online about when to start calling it 'Fall.'  Many fall into the camp of considering it fall when the kids go back to school, or at the beginning of September, and some are sticklers for September 21 when the Autumnal Equinox happens.

It's tricky because schools don't start after Labor Day everywhere anymore (our district starts August 27th), and most often the weather here is still hot until later in September.  We've been to our local Ag fair, and gotten sunburned watching the kids compete in the Friday rodeo events.

Many people have been complaining that craft stores have autumn decor for sale, and now Christmas.  They lose their minds over this but crafters who make items for sale cannot start making their seasonal items in that season, they have to be at least a season ahead.

When I worked for a gift ware company, the Christmas show (where you would show your Christmas line to buyers) was in July.
Retailers are always buying a head.

That being said, when I went into Christmas Tree Shops this week they had their autumn items for sale.  I've been collecting their glass pumpkins for a few years, and found this sweet one for $4.99

Then I went to the dollar store and found these smaller ones and bought four of them.

You can see the green one in the background for size comparison.  I think they are a nice addition to my collection.

Do I have them out for decor yet?  No.  They are hiding out in my closet.  When will I put them out?  Probably in mid September.  I usually have my fall stuff out for about 6 weeks, then start paring it back to match what's happening outside in nature.  By Thanksgiving things are pared back to just pumpkins. 

 It helps because right after Thanksgiving I decorate for (whispering so I don't trigger anyone) "Christmas."


Theresa said...

It is just too hot still to think about Fall decor for me:) Our Schools have already started and perhaps as the cool breeze starts flowing I will get in the mood. LOVE your pumpkins! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Jan said...

In August I start putting out sunflowers as kind of a "transitional" decoration. I'm tired of red,white and blue, but not ready for autumn leaves. After September 1st, I start adding in a little more fall. By the 30th, it's autumn everything even if it's 90 degrees outside! said...

Not till it gets cold for me! Although occasionally I'll listen to Christmas carols the first cold day we get in September! Speaking of Christmas....I'm getting the organized Christmas e-mails regularly now. Basically it's just a reminder of the 25th of each month to do something for Christmas time, mainly cleaning out rooms/clutter.

Debby Ray said...

Personally, I do not decorate when it's still hot like this. I don't think there has to be any rules about it is a personal choice, I'd say. Many people decorate early for Christmas as well but I wait until after Thanksgiving. To each his own, right?! Love your pretty pumpkins!

Lorrie said...

I'm not ready to think about fall yet. October 1 is usually when I start switching things around. Of course, I bring in the yellows of sunflowers and mellow dahlia tones as they bloom and they seem to hint at the season to come. Cute pumpkins!

podso said...

I understand fall in stores, but bloggers are showing it already. It's only early August! But that makes sense about crafters needing to make their stuff early. I had never really thought of that before.

Sherry said...

... sigh.
i typed a long comment then my 'puter (which is increasingly showing itself a dinosaur) made the response go poof*. will try again and make it shorter. mid-september for me. i barely decorate but i do buy trader joe's pretty pumpkins (fresh) and knitted blankets in the living room for show until it gets the littlest bit chilly before actually using them - keeping all that up until november's end. december 1 starts the {sshhhh..whispering here} Christmas season which then lasts until january 1. then i want streamlined minimalism for a good long while. my original comment was way longer than this... better click 'publish' before the dinosaur eats this one too. ♥

Sue said...

Because it is so hot and humid here for so long, I have become an early fall decorator, Deannea,It is my favorite season, looks like I need to take a trip to two of my favorite stores. Love the pumpkins. Have a blessed day.

Sandy said...

I usually put fall out in the house slowly from mid September to the 21st. I am usually so over it by Thanksgiving. I put up my Christmas stuff the evening of Thanksgiving after I get every thing cleaned up from the day's events. It is really hot here, so I started adding some sunflower things and back to school stuff in August to give me that seasonal decor.

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