Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 13, 2018

Spontaneous Hospitality

My husband had a text from our friend Don asking if we could get together on Sunday.  We of course said, "yes!"  We never get enough time with them.  All four of their young adult kids came, too!

So we picked up some tasty chicken and sweet corn, I sliced up some Flaming Fury peaches, they brought some chips and dip, drinks, and a cucumber salad.  

We used paper plates and napkins and my canning jars for glasses.  We ate and talked and had a great time.  Many cups of coffee were consumed!

Meanwhile, the usual group of young people began to gather, and they headed out for a hike.  One guy decided to hang out with the us, since he didn't feel like hiking.  He said, "I'll just hang out and talk with the adults, " yet he is a business owner and a young adult himself!  Its funny how we don't always think of ourselves as 'grown up!'

Tim left for about an hour to help someone with a plumbing issue.  Then swung by and picked up the usual Sunday dinner to feed hunger young adults - pizza!

The hikers returned, we all ate, and continued to talk.  Most of the young people headed downstairs to play games.

We had lots of great conversation about family, business (they own their own business, too), life.  We were talking that this summer we've known each other for 13 years! Their twin boys were eight years old, and their girls Sarah and Rachel's ages.  Lindsay and Emma used to babysit for them.  Now we're all just family.

While all this was happening, I texted another friend, and got a response from my friends' mother!  My friend had been in an car accident!  This friend was t-boned, too. (second friend in a week!)  She'll be okay, but has some fractures.  So scary.  This was a case of a third driver who cut off the vehicle that ended up hitting my friend.  

I'm finding myself so grateful this morning for God's tender mercies.  I'm thanking Him for friendships, for community.  Its good to love and to be loved.

I'm also thankful to be a small part of the building of community among the young adults in our lives.  They're terrific, and I hope in years to come to be invited to weddings, and to see their babies.  To encourage a young mom, and tease a new dad.  To bless them, and build them up and carry them in prayer.

Flowers from a wedding I helped with two years ago in October!

Today, I'm going to talk wedding flowers for the wedding I'm coordinating/planning.  This is one of those young men, who has spent the last several years coming to bonfires, and parties, and a sweet young woman who Lindsay and Emma worked with several years ago.  We know the brides grandparents, too.  I was thrilled they asked me to help!

I can't wait for September 2nd, and then of course, I'll show you all the details and beauty!


Linda said...

What a perfect Sunday! What a blessing to have so many people in your life!
Looking forward to meeting up with you on the 27th!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I find a certain joy in those spontaneous gatherings. They seem to have a special grace involved, which includes not having to worry about preparations, etc. because it's all created in the moment, and whatever is, is. Enjoyed reading all about it, and thank you very much for sharing with us. Wishes for grace and healing for your other friend. Happy Monday! xox

Kim said...

There's nothing better than these kinds of impromptu gatherings! We do them with the kids (young adults) as well and it's always more fun with the whole family is involved. I am sorry to hear about your friends. We had friends over this weekend as well and the conversation was about how awful driving is many careless and distracted drivers. Yikes.

Stacey said...

Deanna, it sounds like you really know how to welcome people into your home the right way. Spontaneous, simple, and fun! That's how I love it sometimes too. We should all have friends over like this more often.

podso said...

spontaneous sometimes are the best of times!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed looking through this, very good stuff, thank you.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

What a wonderful time you all had! My hubby and I had a young adult ministry at one time and I think it ranks up there as one of the best periods in my life. The young folks keep us young and it was a joy to see them grow and now years later, we hear every now and then how much they were inspired by us to walk with God. It was a blessed time! I pray your friend will heal quickly. Blessing to you...Sandi

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