Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 6, 2018

Unexpected Event

I spoke several times last week about the two birthdays this weekend that we were planning.  First was Kyle's on Friday night.

The plan was to have the whole family meet up at CFA for dinner/dessert for celebrating on Kyle's birthday.  We did that because Rachel was working, and she could come to the table on a break.  So that went perfectly, Kyle enjoyed his favorite meal, got his gifts and we shared cupcakes (his choice) with the family.

Kamryn loved them!

We gave Kyle his gift from us before we went to CFA.

Here's a photo Rachel took of Kyle last week.  

The rest of the plan was that Tim and Kyle were going to go to breakfast and mini golf with Kyle's best friend Daniel and his dad, our friend, Mike on Saturday.  Saturday happened to be Mike's 50th Birthday, and so his wife Jen and I planned a surprise party for him.

Tim and I were hosting and the idea was that after Tim, Mike and the boys came back after enjoying time out for Kyle's birthday, they'd arrive at our cottage for a surprise drop in party for Mike.

The people were invited, food purchased, the cake ordered, and while I was out Saturday morning picking the cake up, I got a call from Tim saying that Mike was in a "pretty bad" accident.  


That wasn't part of the plan! Mike took the brunt of the impact on the driver's door, which was pushed in more about 18 inches!  Long story short, Mike is fine.  He fractured a pelvic bone that will heal itself in about 6 weeks.

Jen decided to tell him about the party.  We'd told her that if he needed to stay in overnight, we'd bring the cake up to the hospital to celebrate but he had the option to go home, and once he knew there was to be a party, he decided he'd come home!

I had been sending out updates to everyone and told them that the party was back on just with a time adjustment, and so we had even more to celebrate than just his birthday! 

I wish I'd taken a few photos but it was a flurry of activity to get it decorations up (think black balloons and streamers and an over the hill cake!) and really we were focused on Mike.

We are so thankful at how it all turned out.

Sarah has work today, and I have an IT issue to deal with for the business.  I will be making a call as soon as I get done with this post, in fact.  And then I have the grandgirlies for a few hours this afternoon.

Now we are going to ease our way into our school year.  This is my 24th year of home education, Sarah's last year (she has a lot of credits so she is combining 11/12th grade) and Kyle is beginning 8th grade.  I have five years left, which seems incredible.  

With the life changes this year (Rachel going to Bible School in a few weeks, Sarah getting her driving permit and working, Kyle turning 13) and Mike's accident (which could have been a horrific accident if it hadn't been on slower back roads) I have been reminded of how our lives are like a vapor.  God has created each one of us with a purpose, He knows all the days He has planned for us.  We don't know that, so let's live intentionally.  

Reach out to that neighbor, take your mom to lunch, call that friend you haven't spoken to in a while.  Hug your family, tell them you love them everyday.  Forgive each other.  Walk with God.

Friends, I'm going to start by telling you that you are loved, by me and God.  He loves you better, but you are special to me. 

Have a great Monday!


Sylvia said...

Birthdays are fun especially with kids. I have one coming up this week too...mine!

Sherry said...

beauty of a blog post, friend. ♥♥♥
will be praying for your friend that his health will be restored in quick fashion! a wrench sure was thrown in to the joyous plans for a surprise party - but i love how you all rolled with the change. and i dearly love what you said: ***Reach out to that neighbor, take your mom to lunch, call that friend you haven't spoken to in a while. Hug your family, tell them you love them everyday. Forgive each other. Walk with God.***

Lorrie said...

There are moments that cause us to realize how short and uncertain life is. This past week we attended services for my uncle and for my daughter's father-in-law. A good reminder to keep short accounts with those we love.
I'm glad Mike is okay.

fiona said...

Sorry to hear about the accident
Life is so very precious x

love what you wrote in the last two paragraphs x

Linda said...

So much to be thankful for!!
You have totally rocked home schooling! God bless you and your family!

podso said...

Thankful your friend will be OK and the party could go on. I'm sure it was an encouragement to him! We just never know what a day will hold.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

We are happy for the outcome of that unexpected event! Lovely words in your post! Fun photos of some special people.

Vee said...

Oh the video stuck and I can’t see it this morning. I love it for the wonderful hug Kyle gives you! Glad that he had a marvelous day. Sorry that your dear friend was in an accident and rejoicing with you that he is still with us. Praise God!

Rebecca said...

We just never know do we? Thankful we are loved and watched over by the One who DOES know!

Melissa Gill said...

So glad your friend Mike is OK!
I love Kyles reaction to his new nerf gun! My boys would love to bring over their nerf guns and battle! :)

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