Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday Five

I've had a very interesting week, I'll explain at the end.  For Friday Five I'm showing you some flowers, new bedding and a photo of me.

1. Lavender - Lindsay gave me this plant several years ago and it is thriving.  It stays in this pot and is usually kept next to the house by the kitchen door year round.

2. Hydrangea - My new hydrangea is blooming very well!  I'm going to cut a few blossoms today to bring inside!

3. and 4.  New Bedding - I bought this beautiful white matelasse coverlet from WalMart online.  I need to do something different with some other decor pillows and I think I'm going to get some euro pillows and shams.

5. I won't go into every detail but I had extremely high blood pressure on Tuesday evening. (I normally am always in the normal range)  I ended up in the ER as my blood pressure was in the stroke range! Yikes.
They did a full work up of ekg, chest x-ray, blood work to check cardiac enzymes, liver and kidney function.  It was all just fine.

I went to my doctor yesterday as my blood pressure was still trending very high.  My doctor put me on a bp medicine, and its already worked.

I'm so thankful that I caught my high blood pressure and am able to bring it to a normal range.  I had a friend who is vegan, in ther 30's. and no body fat who had a silent heart attack last week.  Ladies, our symptoms for heart attacks can be very different from men, and most of us think we're just having indigestion, or bloating, etc.  Let's be aware of signs for heart issues and be proactive in having it checked out!

Have a great weekend!


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Love your flowers and your bed spread (beautiful). I agree, European pillows will look very nice indeed. I'm sorry about the high BP. I had a similar incident a couple of years ago. I am so grateful that the Lord protected when it was creepily high. Anyways things are in control now and I'm glad your meds are kicking in to do their thing at the moment.

I see you're looking very 'trendy' in your mask. Seems we'll be all doing that for a while. Better safe than sorry.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend, Deanna.
Brenda xox

Rebecca said...

Wow! I'm glad you caught your high blood pressure and are getting it treated! The hydrangea is SO pretty. I've had no luck growing them...

Elizabethd said...

High BP can be very frightening. Stay well and maybe get some rest!

Lorrie said...

That's a beautiful coverlet for your bed. I'm glad the high BP was diagnosed and can be treated now.
I have to laugh at your spelling mistake - so easy to do, but "sins for heart issues" can be applied spiritually, too.
Take good care of yourself. Enjoy your garden.

Cheryl said...

I am impressed that your lavender wintered over. We had some in our herb garden several times and it never survived. Maybe we should give it another go in a different spot.

Fun to find a lovely new coverlet for your bed. If I recall, you have been looking for something for your room. Show us again when you have your shams/pillows, okay?

I am SO relieved that everything checked out well for you and that your blood pressure is under control!! Praise the Lord for that!!

Theresa said...

Oh my goodness, SOOOO thankful that you caught your high BP and got meds for it. Yes, us ladies can have silent symptoms that often get overlooked. I hope your BP stabilizes! Love the bedding, I am headed to look at Walmart:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

Hope that your weekend has been restful. Praying that you feel much better.

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