Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 22, 2020

It Was Just Like A Normal Weekend!

We were invited to a drop in graduation party for a sweet friend on Saturday.  It was so fun to sit and chat with friends, and celebrate the grad!

We hosted a Father's Day lunch at our house on Sunday.  Emma could be here but all the other kids were.  This is a screen shot of Emma from a video message she sent!  She just had a baby 10 days ago!

Everyone was in and out of the house.  It was humid and hot yesterday so people came in to cool off, and to play games on phones.

The newest coffee rage among the family coffee drinkers is the Aeropress method of making coffee.  Sarah is making it and Tim is getting my Dad a Keurig made cup of coffee.

Joseph is the family IT man.  He was helping Tim with a few business related computer stuff.

The newlyweds...

Kyle likes to do things and see how long it takes everyone to notice!  Funny!

I didn't get a photo of my dad, mom, or Lindsay.  Some people don't like their photo taken, and some were busy doing stuff all afternoon! It really was a good day!

I hope you had a nice weekend.  Summer arrived on Saturday and the temps for the upcoming week and beyond show it!  Hot and humid!  I'm grateful for air conditioning!


Vee said...

Kyle! LOL! I should not encourage him.

Emma looks fabulous. Tim looks like a saint. No, really! That halo is amazing.

Glad that you were able to enjoy such a "normal" weekend.

Theresa said...

What a wonderful time together with family! It is different these days but we really cherish days when we can get out of the house and have others visit too. Times are not the same but can still be good! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Happy times!! It is fun to get glimpses of a "normal" celebration. Our family gathered yesterday too. (My mom and dad didn't join us; we visited them in the evening.) It was so good to be together!!

Linda said...

What a beautiful time, my friend. Have a lovely week. smiles

Linda said...

Such a great time with family! All loooked so relaxed and happy - just as they should be.

Betty said...

It does look normal. We will be getting there soon again, or at least I hope.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...