Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Life Lately

I thought I'd share some recent photos and talk about life in general.

This is a gorgeous photo of Rachel from her wedding day.  The only thing I don't like about it is the editing.  The photographer has taken almost all of the blue tone out of the photo.  Her flowers were not browny orange. {cringe}

The newlyweds are happy, and thriving.  We're delighted for them.

My lockdown hair is BAD.  

I went with Tim on a quick job on Saturday.  That's when I took this photo of me.  I also took this video of the beautiful morning.

I'm trying to stay off social media.  I have been reading there, and I've posted a bit, but I'm finding a level of political and social stress there that I don't want.  I've had to unfollow someone because of their hatred for our president and they aren't even an American, nor do they live in the United States!  sigh....

I'm trying to read news to be informed, but for the constant barrage of everyone telling me how I should feel or how to think about things, I am stepping back.  I'm praying, and asking God for peace and real change.

I know you all are praying for that, too!

We finished school last week, so I'm trying to keep Kyle busy.  He's doing all the mowing and weed wacking that must be done on our property.

I'm trying to do a summer look out on our deck but we have a family of wrens using one of our birdhouses out there!  I have some plants that I need to plant, I restarted seeds again, and I may just direct sow some seeds as well!

Nate has built a great raised bed for Kayleigh at their place - 
Image may contain: plant and outdoor

She's got spots for veg to grow up, room for other plants to grow and its all contained. I think it's brilliant.

Here is a photo of part of Lindsay and my Dad's garden.  I love seeing my kids growing food and flowers, and having a love of growing good, healthy food.

Lindsay is going to give me a tomato plant and I'm going to grow it in a pot like I did last year.  I can't manage a bigger garden, and the weeding is tough on my back, so I'm trying to do what I can, and take advantage of all the local produce stands we are blessed to have in our area.  I may do some herbs, too.  My lavender is doing beautifully again this year in its pot.  Lindsay gave it to me three years go for Mother's Day.

Emma is due with her third child, our second grandson, any day.  We are praying for the protests and rioting to end, because where she is scheduled to deliver is very near to where there is a lot of unrest.  She already has had to go through three months of her pregnancy under lockdown, and the potential that she may have to labor and deliver her baby with a mask on!  She does not need or want to have to deal with rioters on her way to deliver her baby.  Pray with us, will you?

Here is a photo her friend took of her the other evening.  Doesn't she look great?

Well friends, I must go now and start my day.  I'm thankful for each one of you!


Vee said...

Labor with her mask on? That is outrageous. My niece was upset when they told her that she would not be allowed any support...she'd have to labor and deliver alone. She told them that she would have a home delivery. That changed things pretty quickly and she was allowed to have the support she needed. Yes, I will definitely pray that every little thing works out well.

Yes, in agreement about social media. There's a reason I am not posting these days. I might do or say something that I should not. 😏 Taking a step back is not always a bad thing. I loathe virtue signaling, too.

Many blessings even in times like these...

Deanna said...

I think your hair actually looks cute!
All the best,

e l i z a b e t h ♡ said...

I totally agree with you about social media! I have unfollowed nearly 50 accounts on IG alone this week. It amazes me how opinionated folks can be when they don't even live in our country and have first-hand experience to be able to speak relevantly or intelligently. I desire my corner of the web to be full of beauty, so that's what I'l striving to share. To be a light in this darkness and sprinkle some goodness back into the world.

I hope your daughter's birth goes smoothly and peacefully. We are having protests in our city, but thankfully, so far, they are peaceful for the most part. We are under curfew though and are sticking close to home as much as possible. I feel for the ladies who are pregnant or giving birth during these times...they are so brave and full of courage! May God give her grace, peace and strength for the blessed event ♥

Wishing you a lovely week's end! Peace to you!

Theresa said...

I will pray for Emma, that the unrest will NOT hinder her from getting to and from the hospital, that the baby will be healthy and MOM will be snuggling with baby boy soon! The media is overwhelming these days and I should follow your lead and step back from it all. Gardening is a peaceful family activity! Enjoy your day dear friend, sending HUGS and PRAYERS across the miles!

Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...