Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 19, 2020

Photo Friday: Editing And Angles

It's fascinating to see how small adjustments to an angle or a bit of editing can change a photo.

Here is a photo I took of my hydrangea in a vase in my living room this morning.  It's grey and over cast so the lighting is poor.  The flowers look pretty but it's not the best photo.

So I played with the editing on my phone and got a much more interesting photo.  The color is richer, and so is the over all tone of the photo.

In this photo of some feverfew in an enamel pitcher, it is the angle that has changed.

I lifted my phone to get a different angle on the flowers and it changed the perspective of the kitchen.

In my second photo you see clean dishes on the counter waiting to be put away, peaches in a bag that need to be washed.  In the first photo you don't really see that angle.

I don't mind either angle because the kitchen is where life is happening and it is rare that there is nothing on the counters.  It is a working kitchen, after all.  I like the way the feverfew looks in the enamel pitcher in the kitchen.  Simple and homey.

Do you ever play around with editing or angles when you are taking photos?  

It's been a busy week here.  Tim has been incredibly busy with inspections.  I'm looking forward to the weekend.  We're going to a graduation party tomorrow afternoon, then we have church on Sunday.  Outside under the trees at our church property.  

I hope you have a lovely weekend.


Vee said...

Yes, all the time. Last post, someone commented on the color of the lilac. I had to bump the color because the lilac was invisible otherwise.

I like the first photo where the busy-ness of the kitchen is quiet, but I agree, life is busy.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Enjoyed seeing your edit ventures. Yes, I do the same. And I find the same thing, a little tilt here and there, and little cropped here and there, a little adaptation of the light, and it changes how the photo feels and looks. The second (edited) photo of your hydrangea is quite lovely, I love that colour for sure. It's deepened the hue.

Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your world today. BTW, I loved the pitcher of feverfew. So cheerful and pretty.

Happy weekend to you, Deanna.
Brenda xox

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