Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Autumn Pillows And The Blue Trend


I don't know about you, but I love to order online from Amazon.  Usually the item is shipped to you in just a few days.  This is very handy when you share a vehicle with a daughter who has to be at work at 5:30 am. It means I don't have to take her to work at 0' dark thirty, as my dad always says, so I can have the van to go shopping.

Yesterday, we needed the van because Tim's work vehicle was getting an alignment, so he took her to work, and when his vehicle was ready, I took him to pick it up.

It was just over an hour until Sarah needed to be picked up from work, so I didn't go back home, I decided to pop into Homegoods, which is across the street from where Sarah works.

I love Homegoods, but yesterday reminded me of how much I hate shopping during all the Coronavirus restrictions in our state.  I won't go into it all, but think big sections of the store missing, directional arrows everywhere, etc.  I did find two french jams that I like - they use fruit juice to sweeten rather than cane sugar, and a few other things.

Their seasonal items were not great, sadly.  This is why I do so much online shopping.  Everything all in one place, and I can compare styles and prices.

Here are some fun autumn pillow covers that I found online.








Have you noticed how big the blue trend is for Autumn?  Its everywhere, and so pretty with the traditional autumnal tones of reds, oranges, and yellows.  I did blue for our Thanksgiving table last year.

What colors do you like for autumn?  Are you a color person or do you do more neutrals?  Do you like the trend of adding blue?

Just a quick reminder that if you go through my links and make a purchase I receive a bit of credit.  It costs you nothing extra.  


Estelle's said...

Yes, I could not do without Amazon. I order all my pillow covers and garden flags from them...I so love seeing what others use in their Fall color is off limits...hope you ordered one of these sets..they are just so pretty!

Linda said...

I'm not a "blue" color person, it just doesn't go with my personality, LOL. OH, We have some blue here and there, but that is about it. I prefer browns, golds and oranges for fall decor. I haven't gotten things out yet, its just been to hot and not feeling fallish yet. smiles

Vee said...

Restrictions you say...😠

I like the pillows...the buffalo check pillows were purchased for my daughter-in-law last Christmas. I have not noticed the blue, but then I don't get out much. My little sign is red.

Theresa said...

I love shopping at Amazon! I have a package coming tomorrow. I love the pumpkin pillows and of course the ones that say Autumn:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Laura said...

I love blue and white pottery , neutral couches and chairs, with pops of color.
I know exactly how you feel about shopping at Home Goods.
It is ALL so unsettling!
Have a great Tuesday,

Sherry said...

deep browns, cream, murky yellow .. typically for me.
i have some gorgeous drapery yardage with those tones
as well as rose and rust in the mix.. oh and a bit of
green. will use that on the table for thanksgiving
dinner or to throw over our coffee table under a vase
of dried flowers. love the pillow showing white pumpkins!
i've saved it and will consider .. thank you!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

We mostly use on line shopping, for needed items, which are harder to get now, due to the Wicked Wuhan Virus.

Pretty pillows...

But I don't buy new seasonal decor. Just use what I have had for ages. ~smile~ I don't want more "stuff" to have to throw out, someday. ~smile~

Mmmm blue for Autumn? I don't resonate with that, because I don't resonate with blue. I'm a Red Family Woman. With all the pinks, and wine and etc., which are in the Family.


Cheryl said...

You have found some pretty pillows on Amazon! I love online shopping too! My favorite "in person" stores are Target, Marshalls, and HomeGoods, but lately the latter two have been dismally stocked. I am hoping that is not the handwriting on the wall . . .

Some years, I go with more understated color (white pumpkins, green gourds, wheat) and other years I go bold. (Last year, I went orange!) It depends on what speaks to me when I go to the farm stand!

Information Friday

  I hope you are all well, and ready to enjoy the weekend. For me the weekend is a welcomed change of pace. This week I've decided to do...