Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 7, 2020

Friday Five - Five Things I'm Loving

Happy Friday Friends!  Here are five things I'm loving this week!

1. Photos of Rachel with her flower girls.

2.  My Limelight Hydrangea!

3. This cute throw blanket from Amazon.

4. This hazelnut spread is on its way to me!


5. I like the look of this faux Christmas tree.  


Don't ask what was happening with the font on numbers 3 and 4.  I tried over and over to get it to not underline.  I finally stopped fighting it.

 Well, it's been a week, hasn't it?  More human trafficking arrests, explosions or fires in many places around the world.  I'm praying, and I know you are too!

My eyes have been opened to some things and now I can't unsee them.  I'm praying about what my small role can be to help.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

ps. If you purchase through my links, I get a very small amount of amazon credit.


Elizabethd said...

Such pretty photos of your daughter.

Linda said...

What a very lovely bride, smiles.

Blogger has been having issues all week, my friend. Same here. sigh

Indeed, about the human trafficking arrests. Which seems to be majorly ignored by the Media, grr.

Sherry said...

this world is groaning in a multitude of ways - my heart breaks on every front.

on a happier note, rachel made a beautiful bride and her sweet little attendants are precious. hope rachel and her beloved are settling into married life smoothly. :)

i love that christmas tree as well but your link simply goes to a larger picture rather than the actual source. we're in the market so would love to know! :)

Vee said...

Beautiful bride and her little ladies.

Is that Christmas tree available again? Must check.

So true that we cannot unsee; although, it is certainly true that a whole lot of people pretend not to know what they know.

I like that coverlet!

Must stop goofing off here in Blogdom as the kids are coming for supper. Yay!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Beautiful wedding photos!!!! So, so, so lovely....

What underlining? I don't see any, on my screen. ~smile~

For some time now, every week has been "some week." Grumble, grumble, grumble...

"Beside a babbling brook" blog
'Miss BB'🐝🐝

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Loved all your photos. Beautiful bride with her sweet flower girls. Love that limelight hydrangea of yours. What a great throw cover. Yum! about the hazelnut spread with 90% less sugar than regular brands - bring it on. And, I'm smitten with that cute Christmas tree, even if it is only August.

How true that we cannot unsee after we see. We surely need His grace to help us cope when we learn about the horrid things we wish didn't happen in this world. He needs us to have courage to know, so He can work through us as we pray, each in our own corner of the world.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend,
Brenda xo

Estelle's said...

Great choices Deanna...I love these too! Have a good weekend!

Cheryl said...

Love the photos of the beautiful bride with her girlies!

That tree is perfectly imperfect and natural looking! But I still have my thoughts on a tabletop tree when Bekah flies the nest, so I must make myself happy with the one I have for now. :)

Kim said...

Beautiful bride!! And love that tree!! Off to peek...who says you can't have Christmas in August? Haha.

Theresa said...

Beautiful Bride and flower girlie! I love that throw, but do I really need it? Perhaps:) Enjoy your Sunday dear friend, HUGS!

Information Friday

  I hope you are all well, and ready to enjoy the weekend. For me the weekend is a welcomed change of pace. This week I've decided to do...