Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Beef: It's What's For Dinner

 Does anyone else remember those commercials?  It might just be me because I do tend to remember these kinds of trivial things.

I mentioned that we were buying a side of beef with my parents and Lindsay and Joseph, and we got it about a month ago.  Until last evening, I had only used the ground beef for hamburgers.

Last night I cooked steaks and they were so good!

I used this marinade that I found online about five years ago.  The recipe is attributed to 'Alyssa.'

World's Best Steak Marinade

1/3 cup soy sauce (I use Bragg's Liquid Aminos)

1/3 cup lemon juice

1/2 olive oil (I use Avocado oil)

1/4 cup Worcestershire Sauce

1 Tablespoon minced garlic

2 Tablespoons Italian seasoning

1 Teaspoon black pepper

1/2 Teaspoon salt

pinch of red pepper flakes

We often will marinade steaks for a few days, but yesterday I only did them for a few hours.  They were still AMAZING.

It was raining yesterday so instead of grilling them, I cooked them under the broiler in the oven.  We use an Omaha Beef guideline that says for medium steak cook 7 minutes on the first side and 5 on the second side.  When I used the meat thermometer it wasn't at the right internal temperature so I did two more minutes and they were perfect.

I made some green beans in a creamy sauce and called it dinner.  

We are very happy with this beef.  It was locally raised by the farmer we used to buy our hay from. There is nothing like knowing the man who raised your meat.

We are looking forward to many more delicious meals using this beef.


Jan said...

That's similar to the marinade I use on beef steaks-Zesty Italian dressing, liquid smoke and chili powder. We raise our own beef and it makes all the difference!

Vee said...

It has to be a blessing to know where your beef comes from. This reminds me to get going and stock up on some meat from my local farmer. He raises both cows and pigs so I can gather in beef and pork. The pork chops are much better than I can find in the grocery store. Yes, I should get going!

Sandi said...

I like the GRACE peeking out of the background of your photo! 💜

A Joyful Cottage said...

I do remember that commercial. Deanna. Your dinner looks amazing!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Perfect beef!

Raised by someone you know, so you know, how it was raised!

It doesn't get much better than this.


Cheryl said...

That looks like a delicious dinner . . . and yes, I remember those commercials!

Tim said...

ya, how can you forget that commercial!!!

Sherry said...

yUm! your marinade recipe is very similar to mine..
great minds and all. i'm planning to share it on my
blog at some point in time. your dinner looks so
good. again...yUm.

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