Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Home Keeping: How I Use Fairy Lights In A Room With No Natural Light


Our hall bathroom, the one that guests use, is a room without natural light.  I so wish the family that built this house would have put a small window above the shower.  It would have been so nice!  

Another thing is that the light switch for this room is halfway into the room, because there used to be a door coming into this room from the bedroom that had been the master bedroom before the next family built an addition.  

So anyone using this bathroom has to go into the room to turn on the light.  It can be awkward.

Several years ago I strung a small string of light of fairy lights with some greenery at Christmas and we all loved it.  Not only did it look good, but it solved the issue of the bathroom being very dark until you got to the light switch and turned the light on!  We've had some kind of light string hung and plugged in ever since.

Lindsay found these lights about five years ago at Target and used them in her home.  When they moved she gave them to me.

I love them because they serve both form and function.  That's a win in my book.

Do you use fairy lights in  your home?  Do you remember when we hung icicle lights in our hallway one Christmas, and then left them up for three years?

That was fun!


Vee said...

Someday, when Tim has a spare moment, that window might happen. So many homes have these little oddities. My bathroom lights are in the hall outside (but right beside the door). This proves to be an issue for some folks. I like the look of fairy lights, but by the end of February, I'm usually packing them away. One thing is sure, I am no longer a fan of battery operated anything.

Cheryl said...

What an ingenious and lovely solution for your bathroom!! I use fairy lights at Christmas and leave some out for the remainder of the winter. I soak up the light in those darker months . . . so cozy! All year long, I have a couple of small candles with wax bulbs to give a bit of light where it is needed.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and I'd say that your creativity has solved a problem in the loveliest way. They look like tulip lights. And, yes, I love fairy lights.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I adore faerie light!!!!!!!!!

So I love, love, love your use of faerie lights!!!!!

Can't understand why everyone doesn't love/use them! ~giggggles~ But of course, not everyone likes everything.

But it is delightful, to find someone else, who really does adore them. All year long I mean. We keep them up in our Hearth Room, the room we "live in," all year long.


Linda said...

I love your fairy lights! I have some hung from the top of the front porch ceiling....among lots of other places!

Sandi said...

Ooh! Very cool.

R's Rue said...

So cute.

Tim said...

looks magical

Jan said...

Our daughter and son-in-law are building a house, so they and their 3 children are temporarily living in an apartment this summer. The 11 and 14 year old girls have to share a bedroom that has no light fixture. They decorated it and have fairy lights everywhere and it works well for them. (Now it they could just fix the arguing!) ;-)

Mrs.T said...

That is a really lovely (and practical) idea! Thanks for sharing!

Sherry said...

i remember your hallway being lit up and really liked it.
in the little trailer we're rebuilding the bathroom
{more like a potty room} is rather dark. i suggested to
the hubs that we add twinkle lights just to keep it lit
up .. even though it has lighting (electrical and otherwise).
he's open to the idea so i'll be on the amazon prime
lookout for something cute like the ones you have in
your windowless bathroom. thank you for the idea!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I just love fairy lights! In the fall, I put them up around my home, and have them on a timer, set to come on in the evening, and it just creates such a cozy atmosphere, when the days get long and dark. I could definitely see where it would be a lovely addition to your dark bathroom! I love fairy lights :)

Memarge said...

I keep my fairy lights up all year round on my bow window. I just love how they look!

Estelle's said...

Yes Deanna...I LOVE fairy lights.....I use them in Fall and Winter......they create a bit of drama and make our homes so festive and cozy...I love yours in the bathroom......looks so pretty! Have a great weekend!

Linda said...

I love fairy lights, now, the guys, not so much LOL. Those are so lovely, s miles.

Theresa said...

SO pretty! I keep lights on my mantel but with the recent lightning strike, they blew out. Gotta fix that because I sure do miss the glow:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Lorrie said...

I love fairy lights and my husband was able to convert some of the battery operated mini lights to electricity, so now I use them at will. I have them on the window in our eating area and love the warmth they provide, even in summer.

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