Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 24, 2020

I'm Speaking of the A Word Today

 Yes, dear friends, in 8 days it will be September 1st.  Why I am surprised, this year has felt like two years already, I can't say.  Many lovers of summer usually don't ever want to hear of summer ending, but this year I have the sense that people are ready to get on with things to get this year over!

Also, did you know that while the calendar is set up to call the seasons by the astronomical seasons, meteorologist use the annual temperature cycle.  The astronomical season is based on the the position of the earth to the sun, the Earth's tilt and the sun's position over the equator determine both the solstices and equinoxes. (That's more than you wanted to know right?) You can read about it {here}.

Meteorologists break it up this way.  Spring is March, April, May.  Summer June, July, August, Autumn is September, October, November, and Winter is December, January, and February. (Northern Hemisphere) 

In the blogging world we generally use meteorological autumn and start speaking about it in late August.  Many want to help others be inspired for decorating their homes, and to reflex what's happening in nature.  Lindsay sent me this photo last weekend.

This leaf is just an overachiever and we really won't see tree color change until late September or October.  This said, I'm collecting seeds in my garden, and the black willow trees are starting to drop some leaves. (they are always early)

I've been enjoying my Victoria magazine - the British issue.  

Guess what came on Friday? 

Isn't it beautiful?

It's full of such great inspiration for decor and the many enjoyments of the season.  In a few weeks, I'll begin to bring out my glass pumpkins, the heavier throw blankets, some faux autumn florals.  I bought three small mums at Aldi last week.  

I always go to our local produce stand for my big mums, and our pumpkins.  Sarah heads to school in a few weeks, too.  

My favorite season is almost here.


Linda said...

I’m so excited I can hardly stand it! I always think of the seasons the same way the weather men do.
I should subscribe to Victoria again! I love that magazine!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Delightful post!!!!

Yes, Autumn is my favorite season too. Although I do try to enjoy every season, as it comes. With some, I have to try _harder_, of course. ~smile~

I like the meteorological way. But I also love the Celebrations of the Turning of the Wheel of the Year. They tend to make me more aware, of paying attention to the changing seasons.

I'm noticing signs of coming Autumn, and will be posting pictures of them, too. Even if they are Early Starters. ~smile~

Oh those "Victoria's" are lovely! I have a collection of original "Victoria's" and got the new one, for a while. Perhaps I will have to sign up again. ~smile~


Vee said...

You're going to be shocked because I am one who likes to hang on as long as possible. (Winter is solong and hard.) But today I purchased a little harvest sign at the Dollar Tree and I hung it up, too. 🤭 I might be losing it.

Lorrie said...

I like to hang onto summer for as long as possible. September is often a gloriously sunny and warm month here, with cool nights and mornings. I do love autumn, but as Vee said, winter is so very long.

Linda said...

Fall is my favorite season. Well, winter is a close second. There is just something about the change of seasons here that make me love fall and winter. smiles

Information Friday

  I hope you are all well, and ready to enjoy the weekend. For me the weekend is a welcomed change of pace. This week I've decided to do...