Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 14, 2020

Let's Chat


It's been a good week here.  

It's been quite a year for pollen and this year I've had a lot more allergy issues.  Sarah had sinus drainage this week that lead to a sore throat, so she is not allowed to work (sore throat a potential sign of covid) until she is symptom free for 72 hours.  It was something that a year ago would not have been an issue, but this year it is.  It's been nice to have her here during the day.

Kyle got to spend the afternoon and evening with friends, and Wednesday the youth at church did a lot of outdoor clean up.  The big storm last Friday had created quite a mess.

I got my hair cut yesterday.  The second time since the lockdowns started. Its shorter again, and I like it.

Tim and I have started to take time to pray together in the evenings.  There is so much going on in our world; riots, fires, explosions, human trafficking, child sex trafficking, pedophile rings.  It all needs prayer.

Later today, I'll have my grandgirlies for a few hours while Kayleigh goes for an ultrasound.

I still write for our state homeschool magazine, but its online now.  A link to my latest article is {here.}  This is my 26th year, or is it 27th year of home educating.

I feel for the parents who have chosen to homeschool this year because of Covid regulations.  If I could talk to them I'd encourage them to do a lot of reading, take nature walks, have creative time, plenty of time for free play.  I'd tell them to talk to their kids about everything, and to listen to their kids talk, too!  Lessons don't have to be long when you are in the home.  There are not 25 students to wrangle, or to help while the children do practice sheets.  Your child can do their math and when they are done in 15-20 minutes, you can move on to something else!  

Its so freeing! 

Lastly, let me leave you with some encouragement - 

When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.

                                    Isaiah 43:2

  • Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
  •                                     2 Corinthians 1:3-4
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.



Ruth said...

Thanks for the inspiration! You have a great weekend as well.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

About Home Schooling!!!!!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! And I will pass your link to my Dear Daughter in Law, who home schools.

What you said is wonderful. She has found that the "work" part, for the child, does not take all that much time. And he is able to take breaks, between learning times. As long as it is not things like mindless tv or cell phone. Like I said recently, he can go out and check on the progress of his strawberry plants, and the like. Or play with something manual, and not techy. Etc. Etc. And come back to learning, refreshed.

Let's face it, a lot of regular schooling is baby-sitting!!!!!

I love your views on things you can do, with a home schooled child. It's a bit harder, when the mom is working at home, but..... All in all, it is a wonderful option.

Thank you!!!!!!

'Miss BB'🐝🐝
"Beside a babbling brook" blog

Beside a babbling brook... said...

So sorry about the pollen issues though!!!!!!

We have some, but not as bad as can be.

'Miss BB'🐝🐝
"Beside a babbling brook" blog

Linda said...

We homeschooled all the way through and the 'boy wonder' graduated at 16, and then entered college. Unfort. he was a bit immature at the time and learned a hard lesson (but has since returned at age 23). I get so tired of hearing how we "stifled his social life/skills." Excuse me, he had church and a homeschool group. ANYWAYS, I highly urge folks to homeschool. I / we never looked back.

I had a visit today with my dr. One can not even walk in the building without being barraged with a million questions, look, I get it. NY is very strict and I better leave it at that. I certainty feel for your daughter and allergies...hence why I mention the dr. today. My allergies and asthma are way over the top right now (and the mandated mask wearing).

The flowers are beautiful. Thank you for the encouragement.

Kim said...

I taught for many years before my kids were born and it was such a wonderful experience. There was so much room for cooking, creative, fun lessons, field trips and free exploration...and everyone learned to read, write and calculate. Today, common core and chrome books are the name of the game. I love your philosophy and hope the more parents would see the opportunities in this time of homeschooling.

Lorrie said...

I enjoyed this chat - full of the things of everyday life made a bit different in these strange times.

Theresa said...

My Step-daughter has home schooled 3 kids for years and loves it. They do lots of things outside the home and before Covid had a one day a week Co-op to do things with other kids. I am proud of her! Enjoy your day dear friend, thanks for the encouraging words. WE PRAY TOO! It is necessary to get thru the day! HUGS!

Sherry said...

lovely full days in your little corner of the world,
save for storm damage and your daughter's sore throat.
i appreciate how you see the beauty in the every day,
my dear friend. you are loved.

p.s. those passages are so comforting. thank you.

A Joyful Cottage said...

I home schooled our son from seventh grade on. I'm so glad I did. I treasure those years and wouldn't trade them for anything. God always gave me wisdom to face each challenge. Glad you've taken that route. Your flowers are lovely. And thank you for the scripture verses. God's word never fails. Hugs, Nancy

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

With all the coughing I'm doing with allergies, I feel I should wear a sign around my neck stating, "I'm not sick, it is the allergies!!!". I do take a handful of good cough drops with me to use when needed.

podso said...

Yes we need to pray for those parents who have been sort of forced into homeschooling--or are in public school, but learning at home on the computer. The former, as you say, is far more freeing and allows creativity. I enjoyed your article!

Information Friday

  I hope you are all well, and ready to enjoy the weekend. For me the weekend is a welcomed change of pace. This week I've decided to do...