Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Summer Goodness

 In my ongoing pursuit of Hospitality, Friendship, and Encouragement I want to share a few photos from yesterday.

Kyle and I went to a local orchard store in the afternoon for Red Haven Peaches (I'll show you the bounty tomorrow), cantaloupe, a watermelon, and local sweet corn.  I'm so grateful that there is such bounty where we live!

I had already made hamburger patties, they were in the fridge, and had them ready to grill.  

I invited the newlyweds for dinner, they said "yes!"

While I cut the melons, Sarah shucked the corn.  We love to listen to music so she qued up Shane and Shane's Psalm's Two.  These are sweet times, and with her headed to Bible School in September I recorded some video and am sharing a snippet with you.  

Tim had an errand to run after dinner and I went with him.  Wes, Rachel and Sarah all went to the gym, Kyle chose to stay home.  I'm so grateful for these days of blessing.

Here was the beautiful sunset as Tim and I were driving.

Kyle and I started his sophomore year of school yesterday.  Its going to be good, and I was reminded of the shortness of the years that are left with him in the home.

I'm already making a big deal about being the only woman in the house when Sarah goes to school. I think my guys will take good care of me, but I'll miss my girl.  She and I are the same Myers-Briggs personality, and both Enneagram 7's but she's a wing 6 and I am a wing 8.  You can check out the Enneagram {here} and the MB personality test {here.}


Vee said...

Oh that cantaloupe looks yummy. I need to find one. 😁 Looking forward to seeing the peaches. 🍑🍑🍑

Beside a babbling brook... said...

We must go get melons!!!!!

An empty nest creeps up on us. Mine was a long time ago, now. ~smile~

'Miss BB'🐝🐝
"Beside a babbling brook" blog

Lorrie said...

Summer food is so delicious, isn't it? Times with family are precious and not to be taken for granted. Our son and his family are coming for dinner this evening.

Sherry said...

melon.......... yUm!
i especially love it ice cold and very soft.
so delish.
i refuse to believe sarah is old enough to leave
home and go to college. hmpfh. wink. so proud
of her - of all your children. hugs.

Linda said...

Oh my goodness...I thought your title said Summer GODDESS. I was like, "You go girl!" LOLOL

Your daughters expression when she realized you were filming; priceless. grin

Let's see; Enneagram I was 8 and the INFJ I am an Advocate. NO surprises. I took these when the Univ. wanted me to be a mentor. Thanks for the smiles. Have a great rest of the day, smiles.

Linda said...

I love how you love Summer! I’m getting excited about fall! I took the Enneagram test. And I was a 7. Not sure what the wings are! Temperament type I am a choleric melancholy....

Cheryl said...

Simple, sweet, together times are the very best!! I treasure the days and moments that we spend with one another, whether it's just the three of us or the extended family. It's all a gift!!

Theresa said...

Oh dear that looks yummy and I enjoyed the music:) LOVE the sunset video, sunrise and sunsets are some of my favorite things in this world. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Tim said...

You're making me hungry! I know that melon was delicious.

Information Friday

  I hope you are all well, and ready to enjoy the weekend. For me the weekend is a welcomed change of pace. This week I've decided to do...