Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Cottage Garden: Annabelles In Bloom


The garden took a beating with a big thunderstorm on Monday, and I need to go out and tie up my Annabelle Hydrangea. 

These come from my Annabelle bush across the creek on our property. They are under a mulberry tree and were some what protected.

A nice young friend, who is a gardener gave me two small bushes from his garden several years ago. He was dividing his Annabelles and offered me some. I was very happy to be on the receiving end! 

I love that about gardeners. They are very giving. When I first started gardening, almost all of my plants were from friends' gardens. We are always in need of dividing perennials. I can't tell you how many shasta daisy were divided out to friends from my own garden.

I also save seed every year from my hollyhocks, and my poppies, and I share those as well.

Today when I tie up the Annabelles, I'll also do a bit of deadheading on the roses, and clip some flowers from my daylilies, feverfew, gooseneck loosestrife, and maybe some echinacea. This is why I garden, friends!

Here is an arrangement of roses from my garden last year.

 Still a favorite photo and arrangement. Soul filling beauty.

Happy Wednesday friends!


Beside a babbling brook... said...


And tee-hee-hee.... Silly Ol' Annon. came calling on my blog too. Naturally, I sent he/she/it to SPAM.

This person has too much time on he/she/it's hands.

Had to tell you. -gigggggles-

Estelle's said...

I think you have THE most beautiful garden around.....just stunning! Thanks for sharing Deanna.....hugs from Texas!

Cheryl said...

Beautiful Annabelle hydrangeas! I, too, love things that you can clip and enjoy inside as well as outside!

Vee said...

Come to think of it, most of my garden has been gifted as well. I don't mind sharing clumps. I don't save seeds, though.

Theresa said...

SO pretty! Oh how I love flowers! We have been at the beach for a week and my garden is in need of some love. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Kim said...

I always admire your gardening skills and variety of blooms, Deanna. I'm not a great (or patient) gardener. I love perennials and should plant more, because to be surrounded by all that beauty would be lovely.

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