Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Let's Chat

I'm headed to Hobby Lobby later to buy a few hooks for my bathroom wall. I saw some online that I liked and hopefully they will have them in store!

We've been using a computer program to design my parents addition here at our house, and I love it! I could spend hours arranging furniture, placing cabinets, etc. So fun.

At the same time as our plans are moving forward with the addition, Tim and I are having some work done on our house. Maintenance stuff like having the roof re-done (It's never been done since the house was built in 1986, as far as we can tell!), and getting estimates for replacing windows. The windows are all original too, and in need of replacing. When the addition is done, we will have the whole house resided with a white siding that has a bead on it. You can see what I mean {here.}

We are having a portico built over the front door of our house as well. Here are some that I like.

We also still have plans for a remodel of our master bath. We'll be taking the garden tub out, and putting in a modern walk in shower. Then the old shower will be removed, and we'll either put in a stackable washer and dryer or we will use that space for storage. I'm not sure of the timing of the master bath, but the rest is going to be happening soon. Tim is going to do the general contracting, and we have a lot of people we know who do electrical, building, drywalling, painting, etc who we can hire to do the work.  The start date of the addition of course is dependent on schedules, and approvals of plans, getting the permits and all the technical details.

I'm excited about the design aspect of it all.

I'll be sure to take you all along, as I think I'm going to vlog the process.



Vee said...

Oh I love a portico over the front door. Tried to talk John into one for ours, but he was disinclined. Have fun with the plans. I know project has been in the works for some time.

Kim said...

Interesting! I can't wait to see the portico when it's finished. We don't have one, but I've always loved the look. Maybe someday, but for now I'll just look at your pretty pictures!

Theresa said...

Lots of maintenance happening here at our olden home too. Adding on sounds like fun to me and FOR your parents, that is awesome. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

You know how I love house-y things, so I can imagine the thrill of the computer program that aids in design and the thoughts rolling around in your heads for all of the changes and the newness (even of the older) and the improvements! Soooo exciting!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...