Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 14, 2021



Our weekend started with our family night on Friday. It was also Kaidence's 2nd birthday! None of my photos turned out well because of the lighting, but we had a good time.

Saturday was our co-op's field day. Kyle didn't participate but my grandgirls did so I decided to go and help out and have fun. It is always so special to spend time with our homeschool co-op family. Love these people so much.

This is Kamryn with Kaidence, getting her awards.

Saturday was also my youngest grandson Von's first birthday! They celebrated with my sil Vinnie's family in Tennessee.

Emma made is cake - yellow cake with whipped cream and strawberries. She said she added whipped cream and strawberries to each person's slice of cake! So good!

On Sunday we had church outdoors, which we will do for the rest of June, and for a special baptismal service in July.

I really enjoy being outside on these summer mornings for church!

We came home afterward and prepared for our lunch guests.

Hugo works at Sight and Sound and worked with my girls when they were there. He and his wife Becky (on the right) have been attending our church for about a year, and Evelyn (on the left) is new to Pennsylvania, our church, and also works at Sight and Sound. What a wonderful afternoon we had! Our friend Denny was there and all of these former New Yorkers had so much fun talking! But the best part was sharing how God had moved in hearts, how the spirit of God, uses circumstances, and people to help us, and to direct us. What sweet fellowship we had!

I took a few photos of our table (before we added napkins). 

I used our blue canning jars, and my collection of various Pioneer Woman dishes. It was a pretty table (picture a red checked napkin tucked into the glassware)!

Today, our friends Rick and Jane arrive for a few days. We are the start of their summer trip north that they take every year. They visit family and friends, camp in wonderful places, and we are so blessed to usually see them twice in the summer.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I'm sharing some more good news updates here at the beginning of the week, too!

It's small so you may need to copy it and bring it up on your computer or device.

The best news is #16. "God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:17


Unknown said...

I can promise you I have no interest in reading your blog now that you've shown your true colors. But if you're going to spew a bunch of lies you can bet I'm going to call you out. You don't have to mention donald "the criminal" trump at all on your blog but as long as you support the AZ audits and all the other Q-Anon crap then you're supporting donald "the criminal" trump whether you mention him or not. So please give me credit for not being an idiot. You would love for me to go away but you're not getting off that easy. So unless you block me, expect me to pay you a visit from time to time and call out your Q-anon conspiracy theory bullsh**t!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

What a cute way to present a cake! One cannot go wrong with whipped cream and berries on it. Sounds like you had the perfect weekend. I'm glad! Blessings...Sandi

Deanna said...

Blessings! Hello from Kansas. I do believe that the 'BEST' good news on this list is the last one. Truly good news and something to meditate on for uplifting our spirits. I had difficulty being able to read the info even after enlarging. Texas Gov. has a huge and expensive task ahead of him if he continues to build the wall along the border. Pres. Trump built 52 miles of wall with the majority of it costing $46 million dollars a mile. I suspect this will be an ongoing dilemma. Not to be a Debbie downer, but that is a lot of money.

Vee said...

That numeral cake is a great idea. Looks delicious!

I appreciate the good news.

ellen said...

Deanna, Regarding "Unknown", I think you're handling her very well. It sounds like she is very frustrated and afraid of what will happen with those audits. I, for one, believe the election was stolen and am very happy with what is happening. President Trump IS one of the greatest presidents. What I learned from him is that you have to fight for what is right and not back down from evil people. I don't think Unknown is evil, but sadly misinformed from listening to CNN and others. Let's pray that she will wake up. Keep up the good work. Especially bringing us all the Good News. Bless you.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Former New York-ers! I "get a kick" out of that. Yes, NYS people are getting away, if they can. -sigh- We can't. We are stuck in Liberal, Woke Land. Ughhhhhhhhh...

Very cute cake and sounds delicious!!!

🏊 😊 🏊

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...