Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 28, 2021


 This weekend was all about the pool. It's quite a process in our township to get permits, have inspections. Well, the inspections will come after the pool has been fully installed and the electric is hooked up for the pump. 

We are so thankful for friends with equipment and friends who are willing to put in a very long day in the heat to help us get the pool put up!

When we bought our home 20 years ago, there was a pool (it was a mess so we took it out) in this spot. So this was the natural place for us to put it. Our friend graded the space, and added the sand.

Kyle and his friend Daniel helped level things out. They worked  hard, too. Kamryn helped also.

View from our deck.

This is what it looked like at the end of Saturday.

Yesterday afternoon, Wes and Kyle and Kamryn helped Tim get the sand tamped down, and the liner in. Then you add about an inch of water and smooth out the wrinkles on the bottom of the liner.

This is where it's at this morning. Obviously needs more water, and it needs the top rail.  We are going to pick up a pool ladder we found on Marketplace. Just what we want safety wise. 

We eventually will get a deck built on to the pool, but for now this style ladder will do the job!

The hot weather has moved in just in time for the holiday weekend and for swimming!

We had church outside again and when we do, we just have one service at 9:00am. We got home early, and we shredded the roast I had cooked in the crock pot for bbq beef sandwiches, I made coleslaw, we had baked beans, and chips. My parents came, and so did Wes and Rachel. While the guys worked on the pool, we gals played Quirkle. It's basically Scrabble, but with shapes and colors. It's fun. Our family highly recommends it!

Since Tim had worked hard in the heat for two days, Kyle and I drove a tool back to our friends house about 40 minutes away, after Kyle had his shower. I treated him to dinner at McD's. He likes their Mc Chicken sandwiches which are two for $2.00. He's easy.

This gave Tim a chance to shower, and relax for the evening. He visited with our friend Denny who came over later in the afternoon, and then with our friend Mike, who came by to borrow our mower.

I took Kamryn home after we got back, and that ended her weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's house! She's a big helper. I think she has her grandpa's gift of service.

Now we focus on getting my parent addition built. We need to finalize the plan and then find a builder.

How was your weekend?


Beside a babbling brook... said...

So wonderful that you had all that help, doing this hot work!!!

You will enjoy it so much!

I don't swim so I don't get in ours, but the rest of the family, really enjoy it. It fun for me, to see them, having fun!

😎 😎 😎 😎

Linda said...

I am so jealous of the pool{{grin}} is blazing hot here in the southern tier of NY. I hope you have a beautiful week, smiles.

Kim said...

It looks fantastic! Enjoy every second floating with friends. Your kids and grandkids especially are going to adore it. And Kamryn is a doll, I think certain people are truly born with that special gift of service, but in your family, you cleary nurture it, too.

Lorrie said...

A pool would be most welcome here today - current temperature is 98.6 degrees and rising. So very unusual for us. We're all melting! Have a good week.

Buttercup said...

A lot quieter than yours, but very enjoyable. Working on some inside projects as it's so hot out. What wonderful family times with the pool. Enjoy!

A Joyful Cottage said...

You are going to have so much fun in your new pool, Deanna. I smile every time I read about time you spend with family and friends. You are a true Christian family. Lovely. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Reading about your family gives me hope for our country. Hugs. By the way, I left you a reply to your comment on my last post. You asked if I have seen any of The Chosen. I haven't. Should I? xx

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...