Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Tea Time


If you have been part of our community of friends here at Creekside Cottage for any length of time, you know of my love for tea. I love all the pretty tea things, the yummy foods, scones! I've been collecting tea cups, tea pots, silver, china plates since I was in my mid 20's. 

The best part of taking tea is when you can gather with friends for tea. Setting aside time to spend together to catch up, or celebrate a birthday, or an upcoming wedding, or friendship is special.

Today I am taking a tea party - all the cups, plates, flatware, napkins, tea pots, homemade lemon curd, mock devonshire cream, and two quiche to my friends' home. We are celebrating the visit of my friends' mother in law, who I love. Because of coronavirus I haven't seen her in close to two years. The only thing I'm not making this time is the scones. I'm stopping to pick those up from our favorite tea shop.

The reason I am taking the tea party to their home and not just meeting up at our favorite tea shop is that my sweet friend (the mil) has health issues and is on some oxygen and isn't always comfortable in public.

We knew we wanted to get together this visit, so I offered to bring tea to them! I'm very excited!

I'll try to get photos of the table and the people!


Vee said...

What a sweet friend you are to take tea to your friend and her mom. I hope that you all had a marvelous time visiting and getting caught up.

Cheryl said...

Such a lovely thing, to take tea and the accompaniments to celebrate your friends!

Linda said...

What a wonderful thing to do!! I know you all had a wonderful time! I am SO glad we are getting our lives back!!

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