Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 7, 2021


 Our weekend was hot and humid and the heat continues. It'll be 90 today.

Our weekend started with dinner out on Friday with my parents and our daughter Lindsay and her husband Joseph. It was fun, and the food at Texas Roadhouse was very good. After we ate we went to my parents house to play games and eat some brownies that Lindsay made!

On Saturday we did a few things around the house, mainly weeding, and Tim weed wacked along our creek and around structures. The garden is looking good.

Tim, Sarah, and Kyle went on a hike in the afternoon, and Tim also hung the hooks I bought for the bathroom.

I found these at Hobby Lobby. They were $7.99 each but were 50% off so they were that price for two!

I knew when I bought them that I would add Rub n Buff to them. 

I love how they turned out!

I'm hoping to do a full reveal tomorrow!

My daughter in law made me a pop socket for my phone! I like pop sockets but I love my phone case and I wanted the pop socket to blend in. This is what she made me -

Isn't it incredible? Real dried flowers, mica, epoxy. I love it!

Sunday afternoon we spent the afternoon at our friends' home. This is Kyle's best friends' family and we love them dearly.

The pool was welcome as it was HOT and Humid. Also, their air conditioner in their house is not working so inside was really warm, but fans helped make it comfortable. 

Today we are likely going to hunker down inside with our temperature hitting 90 again. Tim and Nate are doing a septic repair job today, but thankfully have started early and will hopefully be done before the real heat hits.

Did you have a good weekend? I'd love to hear about it in the comments.


Jan said...

Looks like today will be our last cooler, rainy day. Tomorrow we start the humd,90 degree weather here. I'm planning to start getting the windows washed outside and the screens cleaned. It's been a long time since I tackled them.

Vee said...

Oh that pool looks so refreshing. I'd love to be by the water. It has been hot and humid here, too, for a few days and through Wednesday. Thursday promises to be much cooler. I'm ready. In the meantime, I am trying not to dig out the AC. ��

Cheryl said...

Sounds like a great summer weekend (although I'd prefer that the 90 degree temps would hold off a bit longer). Family, friends, progress on projects. All good! Swimming/lounging around a pool is a pleasant way to deal with the heat!

Looking forward to seeing the bathroom reveal!

Beginning with Thursday, my weekend was packed with fun plans. And then a summer cold derailed it all. Sigh . . . Thankfully, I have recovered in time to have some grands here for a few days!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...