Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 4, 2021

Good News Friday

Is the following information good news? I think it is, at least that the lies are being exposed, and the truth is being revealed.

   Isn't it interesting how the truth always is revealed eventually? Those who spoke out about concerns regarding the lockdowns, or the virus, or mask wearing (even other doctors and scientists) had their social media accounts taken down. Dr. Robert Redfield who is the former head of the CDC said received death threats from other scientists when he said the virus likely occurred in the lab, but that others didn't believe that, and he was okay with that. You can read about that {here}.

The censorship was the biggest red flag to me. Why censor people for opinions? In the Fauc* emails we find that Mark Zuck was working with Fauc* to present the narrative that Dr. F wanted to present. He became the darling of the media and loved the attention. Emails show that he received the breakdown of the virus from scientists, early in 2020, that the scientists stated it didn't have a natural origin. So many things.  The most hideous to me is that because DJT mentioned certain medications that were safe and had good results with the virus, Dr.F made it seem like that for this virus, those meds would be dangerous. He knew that wasn't true. So many lives that could have been saved. Dr. F needs to not only be fired, but prosecuted and imprisoned. It's truly shocking what he did.

I've been praying that all the lies will be revealed. Next up is the information that will come out of the forensic audit in Arizona. I think every state should do a forensic audit. Pennsylvania is working to get one approved, Georgia is going to do one, Michigan too, if the legislature approves one.

This is another red flag area for me. If you truly believe that they election was fair with no widespread fraud, why would you be against a forensic audit? It would just prove you were right. What's that old saying? "Me thinks, thou does protest too much," which actually came from Hamlet, and the correct line is "The lady does protest too much, methinks." (I looked it up!)

I hope you have an excellent weekend!



Vee said...

Yes, may all the lies be revealed. Some people in high places are guilty of treason and murder. It is unthinkable what
they did for a political agenda. I consider your peonies good news as well.

Linda said...

I love that you keep us posted and encouraged about these things. I’ve avoided news likevit would turn me bald or something if I watched it so I find your blog a safe place to hear what’s happening....

Susan Zarzycki said...

I so enjoyed reading your good news post! Thank you for some positivity in my life right now.❤️

betty said...

Visiting for the first time. I loved all the good news shared here. My prayer all along since this pandemic began was that the truth would come out and be revealed. It is all out there, I say that a lot, but the truth is out there. People just have to do their own research and basically turn off mainstream media. I totally agree with your thoughts about the Arizona audit and as a resident of Phoenix, I really want to know the truth about this last election. If there was no fraud, I will accept that but I truly believe there was a lot of fraud not only here but other key states. If the election was carried out properly, they should not be concerned about an audit but the fact it has been met with such resistance alerts me too of red flags. And Katie Hobbs, our Secretary of State and in charge of elections, just announced her intention to run for governor next year. Lots of prayers needed for a strong Republican candidate as she is very popular here and I fear Arizona becoming an entire Blue State (currently Republican governor but Democrat Senators in Washington).


Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...