Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 3, 2022

Information Friday

 I worked with my florist friend yesterday at her studio making arrangements, boutonnieres, and two 8 foot roping garlands made of fern and three kinds of eucalyptus. It was so fun. The arrangements were minis for long tables and I believe I made 65 of them.

I have a lot of different kinds of information for you this week. Some I'll comment on, some I'll just share. Remember that I don't always have a settled view of the information I share. I'm sharing because I find it informational. 

Door Dash gets it!

These last two years have solidified the truth that not all who have an R after their name are on the side of the American people.

They are reversing everything Martin Luther King, Jr. and many other worked so hard for; the right to be treated the same regardless of ethnicity or skin color! Now though, instead of people recognizing the racism in it, they are being sold on it being a good thing!

Have you noticed that pedophilia is in the news? Some are trying to normalize it. Want to know why? Because powerful people are pedophiles.

Seems like the drug that they didn't want you to have access too, is helping those with jab injuries.

This came out on Tuesday. The DNC law firm Perkins Coie have had access to the FB* database in their DC office since 2012!

It's so hard rooting out corruption at all levels of government, it's tough going to wake people up and show them that so many officials have committed treason. People are truly suffering from the state of our nations inflation and other issues. This person spoke about it on Truth Social this week. She got a response from Kash Patel.

Keep praying, keep asking for your eyes to be opened to see what's been going on for too long, and that God will bring about a true spiritual revival. I've seen that as people have been awakened to evil, they also recognize that God is real, too!

I loved this graphic!

Big weekend for our family. We are headed to the Pittsburgh area tomorrow to bury Tim's moms' remains next to his dad. We'll be having lunch with the cousins who live in that area, too. Tim's sister Esther and her husband fly in today, and will be staying with us. All of us, including some of our kids, and Tim's brother and his wife will be driving over in the morning. Tim's other sister Virginia and her husband are driving in from Missouri. It'll be good to be together, and to lay her to rest next to their dad. 

I hope you have a good weekend.


Vee said...

Another excellent week of gathering. I found the discussion on gun control very helpful as I am currently engaged in a discussion with a family member about that very thing. Criminals are always going to have weapons. My concern is that law abiding citizens will lose their rights. We could also toss in Venezuela as an object lesson and Cuba and on and on.

I like that graphic.

Many blessings to you and Tim's family as you honor his precious mom this weekend.

Terra said...

Have a blessed weekend and time with family in this hard family time. Your postings today are so good I saved quite a few to my desktop to post on FB and other places, that last one is so true.

Debby said...

Thank you. Good information.

ellen said...

Was it President Trump who said "The only way to stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun"? There are days I can relate to Magalandslide2020. I hope you had a nice week-end with your family. Blessings to you.

A Joyful Cottage said...

According to a "In 2020, handguns were involved in 59% of the 13,620 U.S. gun murders and non-negligent manslaughters for which data is available, according to the FBI. Rifles – the category that includes guns sometimes referred to as “assault weapons” – were involved in 3% of firearm murders. Shotguns were involved in 1%. The remainder of gun homicides and non-negligent manslaughters (36%) involved other kinds of firearms or those classified as 'type not stated.'” If Democrats really cared about children, they would do something about the unrelenting murders of individual children in Chicago and New York City. Some die by stray bullets, some die by intent. Whatever the reason, it is out of control. Yet never do we hear about it from MSM or the JB administration, nor any Democrat. They just ignore it because it doesn't fit their narrative. Chicago and NYC have strict gun laws. Law abiding citizens in NYC can hardly own a gun. Criminals have no problem getting a gun, and they never will have a problem. I want to see children safely attend school, and I am baffled as to why Dems will not even discuss securing schools (making them hard targets) and providing security officers in every school. What happened in Uvalde did not need to happen. Someone propped open the back door, and the security officer was out of the building. The shooter walked right in the open door unhindered. But does JB address this? No! He just wants to talk about gun control and make it look like any person who questions his solution to the violence is unpatriotic.. And please, please can he stop invoking God's name when he wants to drive home his point? And doing so repeatedly, I might add. I'm really sick of that, not to mention deeply offended. According to his press secretary he says he doesn't want to harden schools because “He believes that we should be able to give teachers the resources to be able to do their job.” Huh? What in the world are they talking about? More jibberish. Pfft.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...