Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 6, 2022



We had a lovely weekend filled with family. 

On Friday we picked up Tim's sister and brother in law from the airport and on Saturday a lot of us drove over to Monongahela to bury Tim's mom's remains. 

She is now resting, next to Tim's dad. Many of the cousins also came to be with us. She was the last of the generation of aunties and uncles. Now we are all the grandparents, and many of our own kids and grands were there. Very special.

The cousins also provided a lunch for us all afterward so we could spend time together and visit. We were so grateful and touched by there thoughtfulness.

We drove home the same day. We had Tim's brother and wife, and one of Tim's sisters and husbands. Time together is not take for granted and with fuel prices we decided that carpooling was a win-win.

Since we are not often all together we gathered at our house yesterday, to eat and spend time together.

Tim's brother and sister in law will be headed back to Africa in a few weeks. 

It's fun for my grands to get to know their grandpa's siblings; their parents aunts and uncles.

As you can tell the weekend weather was gorgeous. Sunny and warm, the kids swam yesterday.

We are grateful to God for the time we had this weekend. I hope your weekends were full of good things. These are times of uncertainty and fear, but friends, we can trust in God. He is with us, and nothing takes him by surprise.


Buttercup said...

So great to spend time with family. May your mother-in-law's memory be for a blessing.

Vee said...

It sounds as if the weekend could not have gone better. I always smile to think of these kinds of gatherings because people enjoy being together who have not been able to be together for a while. Good, precious times. It is pretty cool for the different generations to meet one another. The beat goes on. That and closure is always a blessed thing. Course we know exactly where Tim's mother and father are.

ellen b. said...

It's good to read about a wonderful family weekend and lots of time together with all the age levels. Good memories. I'm headed for family time this coming weekend.

Cheryl said...

What a gift, this time spent together! And having a beautiful weekend for it was an extra blessing! I am sure that memories of Jean were not far from everyone's mind . . . and that those memories declared the goodness of God!

Linda said...

What a great time visiting and being with family! I love how y'all 'do' Family! You are surrounded by so many friends in addition to your family relationships. You are all a blessing to each other.

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